Hello, Thanks, for the reply. Very good advice concerning the prep work, and it 's been painstaking, 2 part prime and sand for hours, again and...
Hello, I bought this aluminum runabout several years ago, but soon realized that it wasn't quite the right set up for west coast salmon...
I'm using System Three Silver Tip laminating resin. I like it. 2 to 1 mix, no blush, fast or slow hardener, I use the slow, its tack free in about...
Well I used a product from Industrial Formulators called Gel Magic. It's a 2 to 1 gel epoxy that within a few minutes of being mixed turns to the...
Ok, so what I'm thinking is, and please let me know if I'm otl, is that if I give the 5/8" m-grade fir a couple of good coats of epoxy on all...
So for topcoating epoxy coated marine grade plywood, what do you guys suggest and why? And what weight cloth should I use for a 16 ft runabout...
Good idea, I had thought about that, but I wasn't sure of its bonding strength, and with the difference in air temp to water temp in some of the...
Does anyone know if the 5200 is less flexible than sikaflex 292? Or is there anything else that might be even more firm with as good a bond? I'm...
Hello, Check out Metalsupermarkets.com, there's one near you in Saanichton. Good luck, and remember to keep your head up and your stick on the ice.
Hello, Yes I've bought alum a couple of times in the last few weeks from the store in Burnaby on Stillcreek rd. I don't if their prices are...
Thanks for the advise Par. Further to this, do you know if it's possible to first fill with 5200 and then top off with 4000, ( I would like the...
Try Cold Cure epoxy from Industrial Formulators/System Three. Read their literature, it might be what your looking for. www.indform.com...
Hello, What would you guys recommend using to seal those plastic Bomar/Tempress deck, er sole, access hatches. There's that black D sponge...