Windmill or Wind Turbine- powered boats: how many are out there, and are they viable?

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by Duma Tau, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

  2. megsani
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    megsani Junior Member

    Catamaran Fishing Boat

    Dear Ad Hoc

    We are looking at the following:

    Length - 15m
    Breadth - 5m
    GRT - 15 (to satisfy our local licensing requirements)
    Draft - 1.5m
    Sea-keeping performance - sea state of up to 4 (we are caught in NE, SW monsoons)

    Hope this would clarify.

    Thank you.
  3. megsani
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    megsani Junior Member

    Catamaran Fishing Boat

    Dear Ad Hoc,

    I have visited the sites that you refer to. I understand that they are for sportsfishing and other uses but no reference to commercial fishing.

    I am pretty sure catamarans (or trimarans) can be designed for commercial fishing purpose. What do you think? :)

    Thank you.
  4. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    They are used as commericial fishing boats as well as workbaots. I know for certain.
    If you look in the 'gallery' section:
    The dimensions you quoted, are all covered by southboats. Excellent boats these are too.
  5. megsani
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    megsani Junior Member

    Thank you Ad Hoc.

    That certainly gives me the comfort to look at catarmaran fishing boat.
  6. Windmaster
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  7. Paul No Boat
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    Paul No Boat Junior Member

    If this works on water can it work as well with wheeled vehicals? I can see there is a lot of physics involved but the fact it works at all violates all we believed before. awesome.
  8. latestarter
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  9. Windmaster
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  10. Gravio
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