Where can I find the type of ship?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sun, Nov 24, 2024.

  1. sun
    Joined: Sep 2018
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    sun Senior Member

    For example, how many kinds of ships are there in the world? What are they?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It is not an easy question to answer because, above all, it lacks specificity. What selection criteria do you want to use?
    For example, if I tell you that boats are divided between those under 24 m in length and those over 24 m. That is a valid answer that I believe will not be of any use to you.
    Planing or displacement boats? ....
    Recreational or commercial boats?... Please be a little more specific.
    A bad question will never find good answers.
    bajansailor likes this.
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    @sun can you supply some more information please as to what size of 'ships' you are referring to?

    Tansl has mentioned boats and yachts above - then there are also ships like general cargo vessels, container vessels, oil tankers, cruise ships, offshore supply vessels and many others.
    TANSL likes this.
  4. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Mostly there are only real boats with sails and oars in 5000 years history in Polynesia, South China sea, indic, Mediterranean,etc and the rest are recent oil burning garbage

    The boats are segmented in type of hull shape (canoe shape or flat shape as catboats and sharpies), type of rig (stayed or free standing) and keels or appendages as leeboards, centreboard,etc and rudders

    And ratios of sail area, displacement, length, etc
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is very simplified. Also, callling all powered boats garbage is insulting and arrogant. Maybe take a breath before you talk down to the majority in this forum. If you think boats started only 5000 years ago, you need to do more research. Are you also, for some reason, dismissing all the types of boats in the Americas and Africa or is it just prejudice? Hull shapes evolved from the roots of their construction. For example, the framing of scandinavian boats is based on the lapstrake type built without molds. Mediterranean boats have heavier framing with futtocks. Double enders in different countries have different structures that evolved along regional construction techniques and availability of materials. Fiberglass boats mimic them for nostalgic reasons.
  6. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    I don't think it's unkind for people in this forum the saying that all powered boats should go as fast as they came

    They are an aberration and have caused countless accidents and deaths mostly because lack of understanding and preparedness for sea and malfunction with not even equipped with oars

    Besides of that propellers chop fishes when they rest, and make underwater noise and also molest swimmers, freedivers, etc and transport ships and cruisers are the greatest polluters and monetize transport while all sailboats in a given marina could deliver the same cargo and people transport without a cent.

    Otherwise its true that boats have been developed globally mostly as canoe shape and being rowed and skin on frame by arctic people and in southsaharian Africa, america, etc

    I was referring to transoceanic sailing developed 5000 years ago while Lebanon's Phoenicians developed the square sail rowing boats for coastal cruising and bulk cargo to spread across Mediterranean, east atlantic coast, indic etc and also the major ignored sailing history is Persian gulf, India and South China ships that probably interlinked all the indic and asia with trade while the hype of silk road is probably overrated
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2024
  7. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    I take it, @Herreshock, that you don't like the combustion engine, or the use of fossil fuels. My son lives in the city, so he doesn't own a car either, but he still happily travels the world by plane, bus, train, and power boat. It must be hard to live in the modern world by such principles. I really admire that.

  8. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Land transportation can be built from zero with little effort with a small rail or tram tracks for pod transport similar than those built in amusing parks and even built with stone. The steam rail tracks were an aberration that tried to make "efficiency" by connecting plenty of rail cars that apply tons of cumulated inertia and pressure that harm the tracks while a single rail car doesn't and that's what made rail transportation expensive and slow to adopt.

    Aerodynamic pods in small tracks can be powered by pedal as HPV and transport cargo as well with little drag and wheel friction and also they can be powered by sails and VAWT wind turbines hooked to the driveshaft even upwind, and also if theres no wind a CSP solar system can heat a water steam engine (it can desalinate or purify water and cook food too at the same time) or a silent stirling engine

    Also bike green ways can be built easily for velomobiles, sailcars and bikes with compacted earth, and zero energy funiculars and ropeways can be built everywhere so all the petrol "modern" mass monetised transport infrastructure WE take for granted is basically unnecessary and can be replaced easily
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2024
  9. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    @sun, When I was a child, I had a book that listed all sorts of different kinds of boats, from motor boats, ferries, pirate ships, to sampan, gondolas, brigantines, and triremes. It was a sweet little book that I poured over when I was six and seven years old. Very informative on an introductory level.

    If, by types of boats, you are talking about types, such as, Viking Longboats, Junks, Proas, carracks, galleons and caravels, J boats, maxi-cats, clipper ships and down east schooners, it will be a long long list.

    bajansailor likes this.
  10. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Yes these are few of them everybody should know however they are mostly recent genovese-portuguese boats based in ancient boats and their newer replicas.

    To learn about real naval history and design people rather have to learn Polynesian, micronesian, etc multihulls, south china vessels in thailand etc, and India medieval megacities vessels and the variety of phoenician hulls and also red sea and indic vessels like sanbuk that was built thousands of years before the caravela that is just a modification of Portuguese Al-garve boat qarib and also people should check muslim vessels hulls and names.

    This is the sanbuk

  11. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Luddites use modern technology to their convenience while criticizing it.
  12. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Luddites is a smear campaign created by mass production factories marketing and big oil petrol global Armageddon criminals

    The sail is a wind engine and nobody needs to burn anything to get transportation and a sail is free energy, it should be enough with that and thats why space missions are adopting solar sails and you can call them Luddites too..



  13. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    More "luddite" stuff, dont forget to breath oil smoke fumes in the morning everybody








  14. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    All that came out of sophisticated factories. It is the Luddite position to enjoy technology and claim to hate it. If you are honest, you can't use the technology you are against, in which case the forum's mode of communication is off limits.

  15. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Will the ship's power, shape and material change soon? Like a machine on land?
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