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Wanted to buy: Small boat mold (rc boat)

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by aaronhl, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. aaronhl
    Joined: Aug 2012
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    aaronhl Senior Member

    This might be a stretch on this board...anyone have a POWERBOAT (not sailboat) RC boat mold 4 feet or less inches long for sale? You can PM if needed
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    powerboat or sail boat??
  3. aaronhl
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    aaronhl Senior Member

    Looking for powerboat, sorry for not clarifying earlier. You are in Cocoa Beach and there is a guy TOM at Expresscraft rc boats that is selling his business. I contacted him to buy one mold from him, he said he had 100's of them, but he wanted to think about it. Do you know him Doug?
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    No, I don't.....
  5. aaronhl
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    aaronhl Senior Member

    Still looking.....:)
  6. Baltic Bandit

    Baltic Bandit Previous Member

    Why not make a mold? Is this for a "one off" or do you want to do a production run?
    if its a one off, go buy a boat kits for $20- throw the rest away and use the hull
    If you want a production run, you are going to need a decent mold anyway and are probably better off just making a mold out of foam. If its not commercial, you can "splash" a mold from a model you like by coating the model with wax, and then vacuum bagging FG around the hull.
    when dry, release the mold - then put it back on the hull and spray the outside with PU Foam from Home depot.

    pop it, wash out the wax, and spray on a nice glossy epoxy finish and you have a great mold
  7. aaronhl
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    aaronhl Senior Member

    I would like to make a mold from my own design. For now I would like to practice laying some gelcoat and fiberglass in a mold already made. Seems like I am working on a lot of projects all the time so to have the mold already made would be nice.

    What do you mean boat kit?

    I plan on opening a small small business selling rc boats and other parts. Already have a bunch of items but having a hull to sell would be awesome to add to what I already have.

    I feel designing a hull out of foam shouldn't be too difficult, but I want to have a plan for designing it since it's a big project
  8. Baltic Bandit

    Baltic Bandit Previous Member

    yes I mean a model boat kit. Doesn't have to be an RC boat if you just want to practice building hulls. and if its for practice, "splashing" a mold is the easy way:

    Go find a boat you like - if a friend will lend you an RC boat great, if not, just use a storebought styrene plastic model.
    buy some mold release compound.
    buy some McLube spray.

    coat the whole thing in 2 coats of mold release. Then spray with McLube.
    for an RC model you cold even use Latex Mold material as your next layer so that you don't have to do the vaccum bag thing. once the latex is dry. spray with Self-expanding PU foam from home depot. when dry, pull out the hull.

    You should now have a mold with a nice glossy surface ready to be waxed and mcLubed for your hull.

    the only reason to not use the latex approach is if you plan a lot of runs because the latex surface will degrade over time.

    Designing a hull out of foam is quite easy. Simplest way is to make the frame stations out of plywood.
    connect them up with some internal longitudinal stringers and put EPS foam (the white stuff) between the frames. then sand down the foam until it is fair with the stations.

    how well you prep the male plug then determines how much work you will have on your final mold finish - which in turn determines how much work you will have on your actual hull.

    So if you use EPS foam the quick and dirty way - which will require some clean up work of the mold - is to then coat the whole thing in multiple layers of Elmer's glue. until you have a nice glossy surface. Mold release and spray that with mcLube and then use FG directly on this plug (because you will need to do rework you don't want to use latex

    reinforce with EPU Foam and then pull the mold. Anything that doesn't pull cleanly, just dissolve with MEK or Acetone.. then clean up the mold and spray it with an epoxy based finish paint.
  9. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

  10. aaronhl
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    aaronhl Senior Member

    I would like to build model boats as more of a hobby and maybe make a little money doing it. I understand there are so many out there especially for electric and nitro, my focus is on gasoline powered rc boats.

    I agree about Expresscraft- seems like they are still using older designs but I just though since he was selling his business that one of his mold woukd be great to begin with.

    For now I will be trying to design a new hull to run with the new 32cc gasoline engines coming out soon.
  11. aaronhl
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    aaronhl Senior Member

    Bump Up
  12. boat_tech
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    boat_tech New Member

    rc boat

    email me your phone number i will text you some pics... thanks
  13. aaronhl
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    aaronhl Senior Member

  14. aaronhl
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    aaronhl Senior Member

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