U.S. Department of Energy Funded/Sponsored Project - Need Naval Architect!

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by VoltageVessels, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. VoltageVessels
    Joined: Dec 2023
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    VoltageVessels New Member


    I am part of a small startup who have been recently been approved by the U.S. DOE to develop a 7M RIB. We already have a preliminary design and multiple partners (university, material science technology, propulsion design). However, we are moving into a detailed design phase and have a team gap where we need a second naval architect to support prototype development. In short, we are looking for someone familiar with RIB hull design innovations that is creative, collaborative and is willing to meet with us to understand the full picture and implications of what we are working on.

    Overall, this project potential is to achieve several key objectives, one being a multi-year replacement contract. Based on public government contract information (looking at existing contracts) we know this could lead to between $200 and $350M in DOD contracts over the course of 5 years and challenge many of the existing players in the marine market.

    Again, this is a small, agile team but the opportunity and private funding ceiling is substantial. Between the technology we are integrating, the materials we are using, how we are manufacturing and the overall application and cost efficiencies, this already has been deemed novel enough by the DOE to fund for $2.1M. We have already completed a PWC conversion project and as a next step we are looking to disrupt the marine industry.

    Please feel free to contact me if you can meet this need, or if you could offer something to the team and are interested. I will share more details via the below once we connect.

    Onwards and upwards, let's change the world.

    E: lancasters2010@live.com

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023
  2. VoltageVessels
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    VoltageVessels New Member

  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Hello VV

    Welcome to the Forum.

    Let me guess, you haven't heard back from anyone on this.

  4. VoltageVessels
    Joined: Dec 2023
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    VoltageVessels New Member

    Thank you! We have had 3 architects reach out so far. Some are very experienced!

  5. VoltageVessels
    Joined: Dec 2023
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    VoltageVessels New Member

    Thank you! We have had 3 architects reach out so far. Some are very experienced!
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