Tsunami: inter-island transportation & replacement boats

Discussion in 'Post-Tsunami' started by Stephen Ditmore, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

  2. Neven
    Joined: Jun 2002
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    Neven Junior Member


    First of all, thanks for your concern!

    It is amazing how many people want to help and willing to donate and how little finally reaches the needy ones!

    This has several well known reasons:

    1) Infrastructure is damaged, so it is very difficult to send anything to Aceh and surrounding areas.

    2) Civil War is still going on! Both sides use the relief operations now for their own purposes. Massive troops included special forces are send to the region apparently not busy in helping so much but in erecting check points and tightening the grip on the people. GAM is now in a better position to infiltrate the towns again because most citizens lost their documents and control is nearly impossible. They got also fresh weapon supplies from washed away military compounds.

    3) Any persons not organized in major relief organizations and have not good ties to the government will face major problems in getting any items into the country without paying duties, taxes, having proper visa etc. This all cost not only money but time!

    4) There will be hardly any local shipyard willing to build boats without a profit! Furthermore the local shipyards are using for the fisherboats only cheap local woods and have no experience with other materials. Most build just by experience and will not even be able to read a boat plan which you might considering to supply!

    As a conclusion: It will be the best to supply ready build or used boats either to known relief organisations or we can try to build up some network through my own contacts, but these contacts are not boatbuilding related, so we can send them only boats and other items ready for use.

    I think the design is not that crucial. Anything will help for the time being.

    I'm back in Singapore now from a boat delivery but probably have to move to Belize soon...
  3. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    Thanks Mr. Neven, and best wishes.

    I'd like to follow up on the suggestion that existing boats be utilized. If a group were to buy these two boats:
    should they be donated to CARE? If CARE or another organizqation needs advice on how & where to get the boats operational, can they contact you?

    Do you think these boats are appropriate choices?
  4. Neven
    Joined: Jun 2002
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    Neven Junior Member

    Malaysian Yard


    The design is fine but the price for the alu vessel is not appropriate and would create envy because only a very few people would get such a boat! Also transportation from Australia / NZ is not that cheap!

    I would suggest to order normal fisherboats readily available from a Malaysian Yard, just located opposite of Sumatra, about 300nm away from Aceh: http://www.explorer.com.my

    They build cost effective vessels in GRP for fishermen and leisure. I have the old price list from 2003 but not so much should have changed:

    F i s h e r m a n S e r i e s
    Explorer Tracker 20 6,060.00
    F-17 Rib Type 3,170.00
    F-17 Foam Filled 3,730.00
    F-19 Rib Type 3,450.00
    F-19 Foam Filled 4,000.00
    F-22 RibType New Model 6,840.00
    F-22 Foam Filled A Type New Model 7,280.00
    F-22 Foam Filled B Type New Model 7,500.00
    F-24 Rib Type New Model 7,390.00
    F-24 Foam Filled A Type New Model 7,560.00
    F-24 Foam Filled B Type New Model 7,780.00

    Prices are Malaysian Ringgit, 100 Ringgit being approx. US$ 27.

    It would be probably also possible to supply them with materials in case a company likes to donate, but surely they want be paid for their work.

    Yes, we can ask Care, and if they need help they can contact me.

    Best Regards
  5. Neven
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    Neven Junior Member

    Just got this mail below. Hopefully Explorer will not become too busy now!

    Anyway, Malaysia is much better of then Indonesia and the damage was far less. All donations should therefore be channeled to Indonesia or Sri Lanka.

    Dear Sir,

    The effect after the tsunami, we are nominated to coordinate, build and supply new fisherman boat to effected fisherman in Malaysia.

    Therefore we invites all ship builders in Asia region to work with us to deliver the requirement.

    Kindly respond for further corresponding.

    Thanks and regards

    +6 019 349 8128
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  6. Neven
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    Neven Junior Member


    Here is probably the best solution: Some French who are already actively preparing such a project, set up already the logistics and probably worthy of support! Just got following mail:

    Dear Friends,

    I am now ready to come back to Indonesia... And facing this terrible disaster that occurred in the Indian Ocean lately, something had to be done from my side. I am now involved in a project helping to rebuild the destroyed local fishing fleet in Northern Sumatra.

    I invite you to check this website for further information :


    Thank you

    Pascal Kainic

    Should be possible somehow to join the forces!
  7. johnbkk
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  8. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    Another week has gone by.

    No response from Rainforestboats in Mexico or Explorer in Malaysia........ Great!

    What now? :mad:
  9. Neven
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    Neven Junior Member


    Today I got this message from an Indonesian Naval Architect who comes from this region:

    Terimah kasih atas balasan suratnya,
    saya turut mendukung penuh program bantuan tersebut, akan tetapi apakah para nelayan tradisional bisa menerima kapal terbuat dari fibre glass dan berdasarkan survey yang pernah saya lakukan para nelayan tersebut masih lebih menyukai kapal terbuat dari kayu dan mungkin ini sebagai pertimbangan untuk bapak.

    So he says that the fishermen prefer wood but he would be ready to help in anyway. His name is Rudi and his email is daulay_95@yahoo.com.

    Yes, true, Explorer is very lazy in responding emails!

    In case we support the building of the boats locally in wood we would support not only the fishermen but the boatbuilders as well! Just a thought!
  10. Bazwood
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    Bazwood New Member

    Trying to organize boat donation

    Some of the people in our town in England are trying to raise funds to have boat builder contsruct a small fishing boat out there so that we can give to someone out there. We are looking for some logistical help. We hear one can get a little fishing boat built for $1500. Is that feasible? Where do we get it from? How do we go about it and who do we donate it to?. Thankyou :)
  11. D'ARTOIS
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    D'ARTOIS Senior Member

    Bazwood, contact Mr Klaus Neven. For Sri Lanka and Thailand is sufficient money available. North-Sumatra might fall between shore- and ship, since the environment for foreign workers is not to good there. Mr Neven speaks the language and knows how to make himself understood as he works already for some time with those small local shipyards.
    B.R. Gilroy
    International Marine Technologies

    KLaus, if you happen to see this post, next Friday I am going to a meeting organised by foreign aid.
    Is there something to say on your behalf?
  12. Bazwood
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    Bazwood New Member

    Donate a boat

    Thanks for that. I will pass your information to the people concerned in my community. Regards
  13. Neven
    Joined: Jun 2002
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    Neven Junior Member

    Yes, hello, found it!

    Thank you very much for your concern and for your intention to help.

    We can organize it and give the money to a local boatbuilder in Aceh and give the boat afterwards to a needy fisherman. However, it will take a little time to organize it.

    One friend of mine, which I just called, goes now on a regular basis to Aceh and organizes relief operations. He said, he could manage to find a local boatbuilder but he cannot promise how long it will take. He will go to Aceh next week again.

    He also asked what kind of proof you would need that the money goes really to the needy person. I said, probably take some photos during construction and give the name of the recipient together with a little description of his whereabouts and personal situation? Please let me know.

    I'm at the moment back in Germany and will have to go to Belize end of next month therefore I cannot supervise it personally. Anyway, my friend is trustworthy and capable to organize it. He is Indonesian.

    Best Regards

  14. PerCorell
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    PerCorell Junior Member


    Please check the new Cyber-Boat group the Tsunami-Longboat Yahoo group.


    As all Cyber boats you can find plans free download and graphics in the Foto's section,

    I refere from the group description ;

    "A group with the original Tsunami Longboat drawings.

    The plans that also will be avaible in the groups files section are the new technology restore old crafts with new digital tools make boatsbuilding design and new jobs the measures of progress. Old skills reflect in all new inventions, this one don't just make you a strong nice, cheap boat in actural new technology that work with computers but it will also make you a new house if you rather have that instead of a boat. Still then you just would have the outmost of what modern design and digital manufactoring offer, a new world a new architecture even more beautifull boats.

    This grup do not just deal with a design it deal with a new method. The boat you se seem quite tradisional build, but when you realise the structure you know that this is a compleat other world than tradisional boatsbuilding. This is about generating any structure for many different things houses planes intire framework fantastic structures new options yet so simple.

    The attitude challance the tradisional architect and design programs as how they today perform ; it make the actural single assembly piece in a woven structure ,forming square or round structures, each and every assembly piece, even all different,it do not make the useal account but the actural thing the N.C. Codes to cut the intire assembly as how you design.

    Adding a tank into the hull framework is subtracting a cylinder on a screen and will carve out the spaces for that particular object, into the real frames --- you still must provide the tank but now it's somthing like a tenth the trouble or even less for the skilled designer the architect the one that realise the vision, --- Check for 3D-Honeycomb on the Web to chose from a number of Yahoo groups with numbers of structures to explain the concept,

    Go to the files section to download a WRL file into 3D Studio , this contain hull panels aswell as frame assembly as a 3D file."

    you also could check the maiin Cyber-Boat group ;


    But please note that this is about a new building method a method that work with computers.

    Best regards
    Per Corell

  15. PerCorell
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    PerCorell Junior Member



    Sorry I forgot to point to a graphic about the Tsunami-Longboat, build from a brand new construction method only asking sheet materials , a design where you don't bend one single frrame ;



    Best regards
    Per Corell
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