Tribute to PAR

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by tkk, Dec 2, 2022.

  1. tkk
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    tkk Junior Member


    This is a tribute to PAR who didn't live to see the launch. The original contact between me and Paul was through this forum and the design was discussed and developed also here, although more thoroughly at the BYYB-forum.

    This is RYD 16.10 with the extended counter stern (by my with Paul's blessing).

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  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Wow. Tribute indeed.

    Any performance details to share.
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  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    @tkk she is beautiful - a wonderful tribute to @PAR for sure.

    Can you post some more photos of her please, including photos down below?
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  4. tkk
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    tkk Junior Member

    Performance is as expected for a long keeled gaff sail two-sticker with a LWL of 5,13m ;). On a reach I can make 5.5kn if the wind is 6-8m/s, hard on the wind typically 2.5-3.5kn in winds 4-6m/s that are common here in Summer. I can tack 90-105 degrees depending on waves.

    The picture shows my prototype sails made of polytarp. After one and a half seasons with those I ordered "real" ones. If nothing else, at least the look is better :)
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  5. tkk
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    tkk Junior Member

    IMG_20191018_161507.jpg IMG_20191018_161529.jpg
    You mean belowdecks or below waterline?
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  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    So gorgeous..
    Flotation likes this.
  7. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

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  8. tkk
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    tkk Junior Member

    Actually I think there are no pics BELOW deck but I have taken a few before laying the deck with the interior more or less finished :rolleyes:. I did as much as I could before the deck which was an excellent idea because there is only sitting headroom in the cabin. Installing all the wires (and there is a lot!) under the side decks was really easy when you could stand up and work on counter top height. Working on your knees and above your head would have been a royal PITA. All the furniture and painting etc was also so much easier when light was coming from the workshop instead of some temporary lighting. WP_20170619_15_33_35_Pro.jpg WP_20170619_15_34_16_Pro.jpg WP_20170619_15_35_13_Pro.jpg WP_20170619_15_36_26_Pro.jpg
  9. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Lovely boat. When you lash the sails to the mast, instead of spiraling around, try bringing the line back around zig-zag. This lets it drop much easier.
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  10. tkk
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    tkk Junior Member

    I am using the fourth from left "All zig-zag" lacing. Seems to work ok.
  11. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Parr +1!
  12. valery gaulin
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    valery gaulin Senior Member

    I did not know that PAR passed away. I read so many of his comments on boatdesign forum that I am surprise by the news. I guess they are all older comments... Beautifull sailboat design!
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  13. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    His posts will be getting likes for years to come.
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  14. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    I am so dim. Par helped me. I too did not know then. So foolish I feel.

    I must agree with above.

    Par's envious brilliance will shine on for some time, beyond the "likes."

  15. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    The interior pics show some fastidious, craftsman like, and thoroughly enviable details. Here is a hearty salute to the builder.
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