So, I bought an US Army 27’ Bridge and Barge Push Boat

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by TowerTopper, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. Abirbarie
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    Abirbarie New Member

    TowerTopper, this is amazing, I found your thread this past winter and have been desperately looking for the exact boat, I need one with props like yours. (not jet drive) If you know of another boat for sale could you please let me know? Again, incredible work you’ve done to the boat and the cradle/trailer.

    Thanks! Austin
  2. Army boatHolland
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    Army boatHolland Junior Member

    Hi TowerTopper

    So, I also bought an US Army 27’ Bridge and Barge Push Boat in Holland. This boat needs more love and attention than I hoped for. I'm going to completely strip the boat and rebuild it.

    Attached Files:

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  3. Abirbarie
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    Abirbarie New Member

    army boat holland, I just bought one myself here in the U.S. it's a 1972. looks to be in worse shape than yours. i plan to do the same with mine and use it as a work boat. if you come across any manuals or info on these boats, please feel free to share! one engine/tranny is out of the boat and it seems all tags from boat and engines are gone. they are extremely uncommon here so I'm having trouble finding parts.


    look foward to seeing progress along the way
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  4. Army boatHolland
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    Army boatHolland Junior Member


    I have the complete manuals of the the boat for you: Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual

    174 pages of info about the army tug boat. And good luck restoring the boat.
  5. Army boatHolland
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    Army boatHolland Junior Member

    Hi guys?

    How is the restoration going on the army boat? I'm still sanding the underwater ship until 50 years of paint is off. I'm also looking voor a part for the drive shaft. Its part 26 as you can see on the image. Can you help me with finding this part?



  6. Steelboat
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    Steelboat Junior Member

    Cool project boss.

    I worked for a company long ago doing Army landing craft conversions, bought cheap at auction sales. I think LCM-8? Most had twin 12V-71 Detroit diesels. One of those would be perfect for remote parts of South America too! They often added a hydraulic crane for dockside unloading, and bigger wheelhouse.
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  7. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    It's simple to have the part fabricated, it's a tube and two flat plates that are welded together. The angle is determined by the propshaft. Can be made out of stainless, bronze, titanium.
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  8. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    I appreciate your enthusiasm Rumars but I wouldn't call it simple.
    Choice of material matters.
    There are tolerances to consider,
    and I suspect replicating the shape (authenticity) may be of value to Dinand (ArmyboatHolland).

    On that note, anyone know where he might find an original (#26 in the exploded view above)?

    EDIT: On closer inspection of the exploded view, I see there are also flanges off the lower sides of the cutlass bearing for what looks like strut attachments. Not so simple.
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  9. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Well, simple might be overstating it, but this is not a difficult part to replicate, in function as well as form. Since this is an Al boat I expect the bracket was a cast Al affair. I am sure someone has one sitting in his garage somewhere, but it might take years to locate an original (the problem is such parts get sold for scrap). Until luck strikes, the realistic alternative is to make a new one. Cast or welded is not very important, both will need final machining to fit.
    If you look at the photos on page 1 you will see it in all its glory, it has two additional bolted supports, one strut going across the boat to the other P bracket (part 21 on the drawing) and one pillar comming up from the skeg.
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  10. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Yes Rumars, I looked at the pictures.
    If you think it so simple, why don't you make him one?
    I'm sure he'd be happy to pay for shipping.
    Otherwise, your post is not terribly helpful.
  11. Abirbarie
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    Abirbarie New Member

    Didn't see this until now, thanks for posting that manual!
    I'm also having trouble finding some parts for mine - if anyone knows the correct starter for these engines (both are missing) and the transmission coupler that connects to prop shaft is broken.
    Any help is greatly appreciated

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  12. Army boatHolland
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    Army boatHolland Junior Member

    I know a company in Holland and they have 8 army tug boats. It is no longer allowed to sail with fuel engines on the canals of Amsterdam. So they are going to build four of them electric. I will ask them if they af te rights parts for your boat.
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  13. Abirbarie
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    Abirbarie New Member

    Wow that would be fantastic, I really appreciate it and would be very interested!
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