Siren 8.4 catamaran.

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Teamscarab, Sep 16, 2021.

  1. Teamscarab
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    Teamscarab New Member

    Hi, the drawings for the Siren 8.4 cat are finished except for a few details (chain plates and centreboard). I am now going back to my retirement and finishing off the Scarab 32 tri prototype. Details are on the web site <>
    Ray Kendrick
    Team Scarab Pty Ltd
    C. Dog and oldmulti like this.
  2. oldmulti
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    oldmulti Senior Member

    Thank you for your efforts. I will be purchasing a set of plans. Will the chainplates and centre boards plans come as an automatic update to those who purchase early?
    redreuben likes this.
  3. Russell Brown
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    Russell Brown Senior Member

    I'd like to see a lines drawing of the Scarab 32 tri.
  4. Teamscarab
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    Teamscarab New Member

    Hi Old Multi, the additional plans will be emailed to the purchaser when finished.
    Ray Kendrick
  5. skyking1
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    skyking1 Junior Member

    Ray would the fastenings lend themselves to trailering it?
    What is the beam of the hull itself? It looks like it might be a bit much for all on one trailer wide.
  6. Teamscarab
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    Teamscarab New Member

    Hi Skyking1, the hulls are about 1675 beam each so would require some permit or other to trailer. All beam connections are bolted so it is possible to demount and move around but would be a big job requiring a few helpers.
    Ray Kendrick
  7. skyking1
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    skyking1 Junior Member

    That makes sense Ray, those look like very nice spaces and that would be an oversized load at 11' in the US.
  8. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    @skyking1 If you transported them with one hull upside down they might nestle ?
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  9. skyking1
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    skyking1 Junior Member

    I can tow in my state up to 11' wide with a monthly or annual permit and no pilot cars. The trick is crossing state lines.
  10. guzzis3
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    guzzis3 Senior Member

    What is your maximum length ? A really long trailer is unwieldy but if it gets it could put them on bow to bow and part overlap to shorten the load.

    The plans are cheap enough. Might be worth buying them just for a look.

  11. guzzis3
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    guzzis3 Senior Member


    As I have mentioned I still can't read and write very well; the computer helps me write.

    I have been looking at the threads here on Siren 8.4.

    I know the weight problem mentioned earlier. Is that correct or is it wrong it seems like 1600 kilogram is the boat not its ability to carry payload ?

    I plan to buy the plan in a week or so once I pay some bills.

    In the meantime I wondered if anybody had any other thoughts the design ?

    It is a pity he never did the 30' boat. It is the perfect one.
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