Seeking Ship Designers

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by MarineEngineerJobs, May 21, 2020.

  1. MarineEngineerJobs
    Joined: May 2020
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    Location: Rhode Island

    MarineEngineerJobs New Member

    I am representing a client in Virginia who is in need of ship designers of all levels for an ongoing shipbuilding project.

    There are over 80 design openings with the following requirements:
    • Eligible to Obtain Secret Security Clearance.
    • Minimum: Associates Degree or 2 Years of relevant experience in lieu of an Associate's Degree.
    • 1(+) years of experience translating specification requirements and incorporating standards, requirements, design practices and techniques into detailed ship design, drawings and other finished design products distributive ship piping systems.
    • Experience checking the work of other designers is essential and demonstrated leadership abilities is preferred.
    • Proficiency in AUTOCAD 2014 or later is required.
    • Proficiency in 3-D modeling is required.
    • ShipConstructor proficiency is desirable.
    • Knowledge of standards and regulatory body requirements is a plus
    This is a minimum 6 month contract with the expectation to run longer.

    Pay starts at $30-$40/hour based on experience (negotiable for senior/lead ship designers)

    Hiring candidates directly off of phone interviews, positions will fill quickly please contact me directly to connect further.

  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What is your contact information?
  3. Jeandupont
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Jeandupont Designer/Boatbuilder

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