Seeking collaboration - Vacuum infusion experience

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Stefano Dilena, Aug 17, 2021.

  1. Stefano Dilena
    Joined: May 2021
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    Location: Slovenia

    Stefano Dilena Junior Member

    Good day all gents,
    After considering all my options for a building project, I am now looking to hear from people with experience in vacuum infusion and a table set up ready for laying.
    I know on this forum there are amateurs as well as professional builders alike.. I am looking to hear from both, preferably but not necessarily in EU.
    If anyone is interested can contact me here on the forum (This is basically a paid job offer and I believe the rest of the conversation should be private)

    Attached Files:

  2. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I’m an amateur, and would be willing to comment in private, how will I be paid?
  3. Stefano Dilena
    Joined: May 2021
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    Stefano Dilena Junior Member

    I was thinking money...
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
  4. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Do you use paypal?

  5. marine_plug
    Joined: Feb 2022
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    marine_plug Junior Member

    PM message me
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