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Seahunter 32 Mold for sale

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Christian Beaubien, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. Christian Beaubien
    Joined: Jun 2020
    Posts: 1
    Likes: 1, Points: 3
    Location: Miami, Florida

    Christian Beaubien New Member


    LOA: 33’2

    BEAM: 9’10

    DEAD RISE: 24.5

    HULL WEIGHT (DRY): 12,300LBS

    MAX HP: 900HP



    The Seahunter 32 is notorious for its speed, fishability, and dryness. All these things but together

    Make up an amazing fishing machine. This mold has had about 50 hulls created and are still in

    amazing Shape. The last hull it pulled was in 2016. There are a couple of rules that apply to buy

    this mold and they go as followed if you're located in Florida you’re not allowed to buy the mold.

    You’re not allowed to use the Seahunter name in any way, shape, or form to advertise your boat.

    If you're interested in this fishing machine email me seahunterboatmolds@gmail.com

    Price: $200,000 this includes (cap, liner, and mold)
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