Robotic, Metallic Hull Formation, Interest

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by AmnonMikeCohen, Dec 11, 2019.

  1. AmnonMikeCohen
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    AmnonMikeCohen Inventor

    In hope of forming a yet new hull design from Aluminum as well as Stainless Steel, I assume there are among us boats manufacturing members who may be also interested in such option, so I hope to have interest shared and questions related to what I have in mind answered.
    The design is new with special tested capabilities, which justify the choice of employing a machine for forming the hulls from metal and not by 3D printing materials.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Stainless steel is a bad material for hulls. Aluminum is good depending on the alloy. What makes the design new, and what are the special tested capabilities? At least post the design and some specifications, if you want to be taken seriously.
  3. AmnonMikeCohen
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    AmnonMikeCohen Inventor

    We know marine aluminum is popular for hulls, but I wonder why you suggest that stainless-steel is bad material, for forming a hull?
    As to the invention, we have just filed for patent, so it is not permitted to share information on the new art, but a wise manufacturer will take us seriously if they are ready to work with a wise inventor.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @AmnonMikeCohen, do not worry, some in this forum, at least for now, we can take you seriously, even if you do not show us your design. However, some more information would be desirable to give an opinion or advice, if that is what you are looking for.
  5. AmnonMikeCohen
    Joined: Feb 2008
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    AmnonMikeCohen Inventor

    Thank you TANSL for your warm trust and better understanding, but more then advice what "The mother of invention needs is to find the father for the invention" which in simpler words is Mariners/Manufacturers who share the same thinking and hope for creating a newer better boats line. There are two projects related to my innovation, one is an add-on product line and the other is a yet new hull which I believe is best perfected by forming it from metal (Marine Aluminum) by a very basic robotic machine which can be also used for mass production of the hull — so I am searching for the proper same minded boating manufacturer who is also searching for innovations we can bring to mariners for sharing some of the qualities in my innovation of superior safer performance and more fun of surfing or flying on water plus better lifting capabilities and pride of ownership in our watercrafts.
    As you can see in my profile picture, we can lift existing boats to fly, with the add on fins, but the superior hull design is for a new class of boats I like to bring for everyone with someone special who share the vision and objectives I am sharing with the boats design members.

  6. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Once you filed the patent application, you have protection. However, patent protection is a lengthy and expensive process in the courts. Otherwise, if the patent is not granted, then you wouldn't get protection anyway. I see no reason for you not to post it, since the patent application is already in the public domain.
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