Pocket power hydrofoil cat

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by Carlazzomark, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. Carlazzomark
    Joined: Oct 2006
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    Carlazzomark Senior Member

    Just fishin’ to see if anyone would be interested in collaborating on the design and prototype production of a 12-16’ powered catamaran.

    If so, I will take the first pass at a SOR and be willing to pay for the hull mold, but here is the general idea:

    - rotomolded hulls, relatively cheap, rugged (perhaps too heavy for foils?)
    - fiberglass hulls for prototype
    - two person capacity
    - retractable foils
    - lowest possible hp or e-hp to get up on foils; higher power capacity for faster cruising
    - easily trailerable

    If technically feasible, there could be a market for this, but I am mostly interested in testing the concept and making one.
  2. Gasdok
    Joined: May 2020
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    Gasdok Junior Member

    Send me your cell number or email can't seem to attach pix ht.
  3. Gasdok
    Joined: May 2020
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    Gasdok Junior Member

    I'm at 321 417-2103
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