My lil love affair - 16ft foam core paddleboard/kayak with cabin

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by catchcookcreate, May 15, 2023.

  1. catchcookcreate
    Joined: May 2023
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    catchcookcreate New Member

    Yep I used the pink stuff. Lol
    My first build I was confident and really happy with.
    After lots of reading about the xps foam core and finding its uses in surfboards aplenty, I felt if kept indoors and made with some care in bracing with cedar furring strips it would work well. It works great but felt a bit slow in wind without the hatches covered up still.
    Also worth noting I have no plans on gasoline in this vessel.

    More pics soon I've since added some foam and side panels on the inside there on the gunwales.

    Soon to be added - outriggers with oar mounts, main hatch, solar panel hatch, more foam floatant and sidewalls inside, finish livewell/cooler section and add a hatch, bilge pumps one in cabinpart and one in deck half and maybe one in the livewell spot but it got costly.

    Have since started another project having fallen in love with making boats lurked this website for years n appreciate the insights + well placed advice on not using the pinkfoam during the build's course the years since I have found why and why not to use this stuff. Of course weight and cost were kept lower with it, but things are just harder using the stuff in the long run plus it is weaker and probably not great for outdoor storage. However it did great for a proof of design. I'd like to do a bigger one in future in PVC core with inboard motor and more stuff. Just wanted to share, any criticism feedback advice etc welcome :p wish I could take her out more she got a little heavy for car-topping and I don't have a trailer.

    I estimate it's 80lbs, and having around 1.5-2in. draft, 34 inch wide at center bulk, 15ft 5inch length.

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  2. catchcookcreate
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    catchcookcreate New Member

    Rowcruiser inspired but definitely a bit different
  3. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

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