Mini Beast

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by Wahoo chaser, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. Wahoo chaser
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    Wahoo chaser Junior Member

    Hi all. I’m just in the planning design process with LMOcean to create a mini beast aluminum explorer yacht catamaran. I looking for an affordable boatyard that does great work. The specification we are still working on but it’s going to be about 200 gt
    If u have any interest let me no and I’ll shoot u over the rendering and equipment list . Ty
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Are you then looking for a Naval Architect to design it?
  3. Wahoo chaser
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    Wahoo chaser Junior Member

    I contacted Andre . The original architect Who designed the beast. But I’m always interested in new explorer cat design that can carry a 28 -35 sport fish long ranges in extreme luxury or a explorer fishing yacht design. Only in aluminum and 200 gt max Thanks for your reply. Appreciate it.
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum WC.

    Can you tell us a bit more about this mini beast please?
    Perhaps even post some sketches or drawings of what it will look like?
    It sounds like an interesting project.
    Who is 'Andre'?
    Will the Explorer cat have to be able to carry a 28' - 35' sportsfishing boat (monohull or catamaran?) on board?
  5. Wahoo chaser
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    Wahoo chaser Junior Member

  6. Wahoo chaser
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    Wahoo chaser Junior Member

    This is The Beast
  7. Wahoo chaser
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    Wahoo chaser Junior Member

    I’m hope this helps you understand completely . What I’m looking for. Catamaran explorer yacht that can carry some toys. .
  8. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Thank you for this update.
    I had tried to google LM Ocean, but did not get anywhere.
    Here is a link to LOM Ocean - they used to be Craig Loomes Design.
    LOMOcean Design | Naval Architecture and Yacht Design - Home

    Here is a link to the Beast - I see what you mean re how you want a smaller version under 200 GRT, as The Beast is 495 GRT.
    LOMOcean Design | Naval Architecture and Yacht Design - 39m - The Beast

    And here is a link to The Beast on Yacht Charter Fleet, as per your photos above.
    THE BEAST Yacht Charter Price - Profab Central Engineering Ltd Luxury Yacht Charter

    Have you not received any suggestions from the designers re a competent and 'affordable' (but affordable is a relative term) yard who could build the Mini Beast for you?

    I will tag @Ad Hoc here - he might be able to offer some suggestions re an 'affordable' yard.
    Flotation likes this.
  9. Wahoo chaser
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    Wahoo chaser Junior Member

    Thanks for your interest and help bajansailor. Yes I meant LOMOcean design. I’m hoping someone can suggest some yards. I just want to go on long range fishing expedition. I’m open to any suggestions. I like the idea of a mother ship. But I’m open to a long range luxurious fishing catamaran as well . Thanks again for your help.
  10. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Do you require a specific country of origin?
  11. Wahoo chaser
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    Wahoo chaser Junior Member

    I don’t no which country of Origin yet but I’m thinking caymans
  12. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    I can help with usa domestic and Jones act stuff. I'd imagine if us registered isn't needed non usa will be cheaper.
  13. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Re 'country of origin', I think that Comfisherman is referring to the country where the builder is located, rather than the country where the vessel will be registered (the Caymans have a very vibrant large yacht register, and I am guessing that you might want to register your vessel there?)

    If you are looking at reducing the cost of building your boat, you could maybe investigate the possibility of building it in eg the Phillipines or Vietnam, where labour costs would be much less than building in North America.
  14. Wahoo chaser
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    Wahoo chaser Junior Member

    My bad. Sorry. I thought you meant Ship’s registration not actual build location. Waiting to hear back from a couple of yards in Turkey and Brazil. Thanks

  15. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    This is somewhat confusing.

    1 - you have a design, ?
    2 - you want a yard?
    3 - you want it to be 200GT..where as the boat you cite is 4965GT

    1....if you have a design, then you must know no.3..the GT. It is a simple calculation.
    2...if you want a yard, as a designer of this vessel, it should be clear and obvious which yards to select, as this should be well known to a designer of this size/type of vessel.
    Failing that...just type it into Google...takes 5 seconds!
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