Looking for people who are interested in building their own catamaran.

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by Hermestar, Nov 26, 2018.

  1. Hermestar
    Joined: Nov 2018
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    Hermestar Junior Member

    Hello to all members. Im new here and im looking for your help and advice. In august 2017 we have started building a Mike Waller 1100 catamaran. It is 36 feet Cat for 5-6 people on board. Mike Waller Yacht Design - Waller 1100 Catamaran Photo Gallery http://www.wallerdesign.com.au/photo_wal1100.html
    It is still in progress... Take a look.

    Part 1 -
    Part 2 -
    Part 3 -

    Im looking for a partner or people who are interested in building their own catamaran. Probably you have some friends or partners who dreaming about sailing but don't have a time to start. I need your help to complete it faster than i will make it alone.

    We have more than 500m2 space, long term suppliers close to our boatyard, a great and experienced team.
    If you have some ideas, please comment it below or send me PM. :thumb:
    I believe ill find new friends here and i will build my dream "CAT" :smitten:

    Big thanks. Have a good day.

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  2. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Where u building?

    Moldova pretty far away.
  3. Hermestar
    Joined: Nov 2018
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    Hermestar Junior Member

    After i complete it, my plans bring it to Spain. I thought about Alicante or Denia. Any way i could bring it to any place in Mediterranean sea. In Moldova we have a high quality and cheap labour.

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  4. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    It looks like excellent work. I was a little surprised you didn't use a thickened mix when you attached the fins. Other than that; the work looks super. Lots of cold days to work now.
  5. Hermestar
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    Hermestar Junior Member

    Thanks fallguy. Sorry but i didn't understand what do mean about "thickened mix and fins"?. English is not my first language. You mean angle between bulkheads and side panels?
  6. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _


    I believe Fallguy meant adding thickeners (powder) to the epoxy so it's not so runny.
    It tends to fill tiny gaps better and offers increased adhesion (stick).
    "Fins" are the two skeggs on the bottom of the hulls.

    Very nice work, carry on.
    fallguy likes this.
  7. Hermestar
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    Hermestar Junior Member

    Thanks BlueBell.
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  8. Hermestar
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    Hermestar Junior Member

    Hi Fallguy. Can you show me where exactly we missed it?
  9. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    At 3:31, film 1, the keel had two layers of plain epoxy on the hull and keel base being offered up, instead of the white thickened epoxy used for attaching the hull skin.

    And that's how it should be. The double ply keel base has obviously been built using the bottom of the hull as a pattern, so the fit is plenty precise, and needs no thickening to fill potential voids. The large amount of epoxy oozing out under the edge after fitting is proof of that.

    Thickened epoxy is weaker than unthickened, and that's not something you want to use on a keel.

    Having said that, what sort of wood are you using ? The frames in the fin look like some sort of Radiata pine .
    fallguy likes this.
  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I probably would have made a slightly thickened mix. Thank you for pointing out the strength is greater the way he did it.

    I was also curious about tightening that joint down with bolts or lags, but it looks like you may have had a piece of glass there to avoid a dry joint.

    Just my curiousity friends..
  11. Hermestar
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    Hermestar Junior Member

    Hello Guys.
    The fallguy is right. To avoid the air and dry joint we used some layers of glass. Im still think that it is better like we did, with glue and bolts, than use only epoxy. This way is more stronger. Correct me if im wrong. Plus we will put 3-4 layers of fibreglass on keel to make it more stronger.
    - We used the best dry pine we could find in our country, because all wood are from import. We chooses every kind of stringer to avoid knots. At the end of the process we will incapsulate all surface in glass.
    Please give me advice, what is the best paint we could use with epoxy?

  12. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

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