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Looking For Molds small flats boat (13-15') or even a micro-skiff.

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Tg21, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Tg21
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    Location: Ormond bch, Florida

    Tg21 New Member

    Want to buy set of molds for small flats boat (13-15') or even a micro-skiff. Would consider even buying small boat-building company that is already producing of these type of boats.

    Any help or info would be appreciated.

  2. Biscayne Boats
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    Biscayne Boats Junior Member

  3. bhboats
    Joined: Dec 2011
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    bhboats New Member

    Hi Tommy, I have a 16' flats mold. what is ur email or text it to 863-944-2155 I have alot of constuction pics.
    Thx Tom
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