Looking for collaboration to design a autonomous+clean energy container ship.

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by zundert, Dec 27, 2018.

  1. zundert
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    zundert Junior Member

    Dear All,

    My name is Ruben, located in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). I am trying to change the container ship industry, focusing in feeder vessel. I have been working for shipping lines 10 years therefore I know the weakness and the problems to solve in order to improve the efficiency and to tackle the port congestion.

    This project is in a seed stage, meaning I am in contact with compnaies in order to raise funds, but for that I need:
    Concept design study are as follows,
    General arrangement drawings; deck plan, machinery plan, outboard profile, inboard profile.
    Weight study.
    Powering and energy consumption.
    Exterior illustration renders.
    Identification of extraordinary classification or engineering challenges.

    I would like to ask if anyone would like to join this project, I can offer partnership or equities, I do believe this is a project will change the container ship industry and I am sure you want to be on board.

    Kindly contact me at rubenn02@gmail.com


  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think that first of all you need to define "clean energy". There are many opinions about what constitutes that. Mine is that it is a political and not scientific definition.
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  3. zundert
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    zundert Junior Member

    Dear Gonzo,

    Good point, the plan is to use solar panels, wind turbine and hidrogen energy. I hope now is clear however I would be glad to answer all kind of questions.

  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Wind turbine is both inefficient (due to turbulent airflow at sea level) , unreliable in sea states (damage from salt, momentum from waves) and a problem for cargo handling. (hard to disassemble for cargo handling)

    Wind can be used effectively, if you use the current popular Flettner rotors.


    Everything Old is new again - Flettner Rotor Ship is launched https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/everything-old-is-new-again-flettner-rotor-ship-is-launched.24081/page-34#post-837688
  5. zundert
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    zundert Junior Member

    Dear Rwatson,

    Thank you so much for the clarification about efficiency, I am learning so much in this forum and I do appreciate all your comments.

    I was thinking though about this:

    Captura de pantalla 2018-12-29 a las 12.55.27.png

    the point of my situation is that I really need an engineer and a naval architect to do a deep study about energy and posibilities regarding cargo etc, that is the reason I am asking for a collarobartion and I hope soon someone will join this project.

    Again thanks to all for your comments!!

  6. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Vertical Axis Wind Turbines are even more inefficient. Their propulsive power is very low, and they can only provide some auxiliary power needs.

    But as regards the expertise you need for the whole project, that isn't going to come cheap because your project is very specialised. I am sure you won't get the help you need in exchange for equities or some future promises. Even if you have some sort of business plan and connections in the industry, you are really pushing your luck with such a non-standard configuration.

    Naval architects normally cannot provide you with a business model - for that you need industry experience, business connections and a detailed knowledge of your intended market. The business plan should come way before the ship configuration.
  7. zundert
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    zundert Junior Member

    Dear Rwatson,

    Again, thansk for your comments, but let me clarify some points:

    1)The picture of the boat I put in my previous post is from Energy Observer http://www.energy-observer.org/en/
    I do belive you (as I dont have any engineer background that can be more or less efficient, but was an example.
    2)Regarding how expensive is the proyect and that people will not join this for some promises, well, there are investors, join venture, angel venture that do believe in new project and they have the money to invest on it, you put the knowledgey they put the money, simple synergy. Also I must say that maybe not you, but some people want to collaborate for the sake of improve this planet, not only for a finance rewards. I dont think all the big proyect in the world started without investors and equity exchange, do you?
    3) I do have the marked, the business plan, this is my arena, but until now all th investor are asking me for a naval and engineer plan, Concept design etc, and is here where I am stock as I dont have a fortune in my own pocket.

    I am optimistic, is also a good lesson to know your opinion as I am learning from all angles, so once again thanks for sharing your opinion. You gave me more strenght to continue this project.

  8. Niclas Vestman
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    Niclas Vestman Senior Member

    Dear Ruben
    I belive that what you ask for already exists and is quite common knowledge. There are hundreds if not thouthands of studies, dissertations papers and all sorts of ventures and projects that have clarified the possibilities of green tech in shipping. And there for would hardly contribute to a business venture. I belive one should focus on ones own field of knowledge. If you can't improve on green ship tech, then it shouln't be part of your business model. If your expertise is in logistics, then why design green tech ships. DHL doesn't design their vehicle. They leave that and the technological advances up to Boeing, Airbus, Volvo, Mercedes and so on. I realy don't understand why you would want that? It would be like reinventing the wheel. Or have i misunderstod something?
  9. zundert
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    zundert Junior Member

    Dear Niclas Vestman,

    Thanks for your comments, well I didnt post all the info as some part of the project still confidential. I am expertise in Logistic, and before I started this I also spoke wiht Phd professor about the idea and they liked it. Regarding DHL, well I wish I can be Mercedes or Volvo, but I am not, for me the shipyard will be the Mercedes/Volvo, as I am not going to own a shipyard for this project. I am not trying to reinvent the wheel but I do try to solve a few shipping probrems focusing in feeder primarly (capacity limitation, port congestion, demurrage etc)

    Please fell free to email me at rubenn02@gmail.com for more info.

    Happy New Year to all!!

  10. Niclas Vestman
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    Niclas Vestman Senior Member

    Happy new year to you too!
    Just one question. To me a ship can have what ever form factor and attributes no matter its environmental profile. Do you Think that 1) a green shipping model need markedly different vessels than exists today? And 2) If so, why not leave that part up to a 3rd party naval architect and shipyard? Of course you need to know if it is doable. So that the actual vessels woun't prove a limitation to the business idea. But again. A ship is a ship, green or not. Or isn't it? Btw I'm not critical, only curious. Sounds like a fascinating venture. And good luck!

  11. zundert
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    zundert Junior Member


    First of all critics can be constructive or destructive, I take all as constructive, I am learning a lot with all your questions, so THANK.
    Secondly, this project has two part, the environmental one, following Paris convention 2015 and European Policies regarding zero CO2 emission, and the secon is just purely shipping container operations at container port. yes a ship is a ship and this will be unique!! green is only adding value, I focus in cargo loading and unloading, I will solve the crane bottleneck etc just pure ship container problems.

    Thanks again for your question.

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