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Looking for business partner to create new boat company

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by an2reir, Oct 3, 2023.

  1. an2reir
    Joined: Sep 2001
    Posts: 645
    Likes: 173, Points: 53, Legacy Rep: 110
    Location: Bordeaux France

    an2reir fifty boat designs

    Greetings from France to all Boat Design Forums Members!

    I am seeking / looking for/ welcoming business partner with experience , contacts , experience of marketing and financial resoureces in order to start series production boatbuilding business.
    My experience is 25 years boat and yacht construction design and architecture; I am at present based in Bordeaux France
    I created and developed the first ever boat and building company in Bucharest Romania where I built for 10 years a number of high quality boats and yachts for owners in the USA, UK, Sweden and the Netherlands who have demonstrated their quality over the years and been the subject of positive articles in nautical industry magazines in Sweden, USA and EU - my website created 23 years ago is http://www.yacht.ro/
    I created more than 50 boats and yachts of which 8 were built in: France, South Korea, China, Europe, South America Brazil, and publisded videos of 3D CAD models on own created Youtube channel “ FIFTY BOAT and YACHT DESIGNS ”
    I created the complete architecture &design of a 39 ft Motor Yacht Sport built near Hong Kong 2022 by the Taiwanese yacht company Selene Ocean Yachts

    My Concept 3D CAD Design of a new sports boat created by myself for Fibraforts Boats Brazil has been so successful that a number of 4 versions were built y Fibrafort boats Brazil the last one being presented and highly acclaimed at Sao Paulo Boat show 2023

    I am one of the very few having contributed to / been part of both the design of British Search and Rescue RNLI motor boats as well as the new France SNSM search and rescue motor boats
    I recently created 2 new modern sail boat design wich were presented and well received at the Bucharest Boat Show 2023 and based on wich a a new series boat production startup is in the incipient process of being created nearby Bucharest Romania
    At present there are very few pratically no boat and composites making companies in all the geographic area of East Europe Romania - but the local boating related market has been growing strongly at the latest 5-7 years. I am seeking / looking for/ welcoming business partner with experience , contacts , experience of marketing and financial resources in order to start a series production boatbuilding business
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
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