Kline Fogelman airfoils for sailboats?

Discussion in 'Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics' started by Paul Scott, Oct 3, 2024.

  1. Paul Scott
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    Paul Scott Senior Member

  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    One of the pitfalls when comparing powered aero-hydrodynamics to unpowered aero-hydrodynamics is how the direction of the energy flow changes the TBL and separation. That being said, except for the proportions, almost all sailboat sails approximate and behave like the KFm-4 shape. I suggest you read Marchaj, Aero-Hydrodynamics of Sailing, Part II, Section C with specific regard to sub-section 5(g) and associated figures.
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  3. Paul Scott
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    Paul Scott Senior Member

    Thanks for that- I wanted to look up Marchaj etc, but our house remodel got in the way of packed - up books. :(

    Anyway, for some reason, wing loading differences and a hull stuck in the water in the boat’s case hit me hard. That, and Betwaites mast cross section for the Tasar. Tom Speer and I had a nice back and forth many moons ago about a segmented (horizontally ) foam 3D sail (for which he gave his blessing :), as long as I was aware of wind directional change as a function of height above the water). Couple all that with my desire to have the mast (aluminum Force 5 leftover) for my new sailing canoe centered as longitudinally as possible have me either using my square square head dipping lug sail (what could wrong?) or go to a more solid wing- hence the KFm4. I’m not sure the Fm4 could handle twist like sail does, and still maintain camber, although I’ve some EPP in the shed- coupled with flexible carbon rods?

    Fun stuff- if I can get the wing to enough AR, it might make up upwind for no jib. (I hate jibs)

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2024
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