Foiling radio control trimarans

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by PerthMini40man, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. PerthMini40man
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    PerthMini40man Senior Member

    Latest video from Sunday showing the tests with 3 foils is here:

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
  2. UpOnStands
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    UpOnStands Senior Member

    Even better results with quite stable runs -- looking good
  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Seems like a slightly nose down attitude-whats your reasoning there?
  4. UpOnStands
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    UpOnStands Senior Member

    Now reliable foiling gybes seem possible
  5. UpOnStands
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    UpOnStands Senior Member

    A more comprehensive evaluation of the value of winglets
  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Ian, I'd like to understand your reasoning on this?
  7. PerthMini40man
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    PerthMini40man Senior Member

    It was another way to adjust the angle of incidence on the foils - no particular requirement for the nose-down attitude. The bow-down on the AC cats was for a totally different reason, to get round the limitations of rudder angle adjustment rules I believe
  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  9. PerthMini40man
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    PerthMini40man Senior Member

    Here's the video showing the boat achieving 28 KPH

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  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    For those not familiar with kph, 28kph= 17.4mph. Great stuff, Ian!
  11. PerthMini40man
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    PerthMini40man Senior Member

    Had another good day on the foils. More breeze than expected

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  12. PerthMini40man
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    PerthMini40man Senior Member

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    FOILFAST Junior Member

    Good Day Ian found this thread today , I would like to Float and Fly and develop new ideas,( Your opening statement in starting this thread, struck the right chords) still figuring the site out after joining otherwise would have PM you. For a heads up and starting out phase, and to start will be the only nut out there for a while! but I think that will change. Many Thanks for starting this thread and for all the contributions to it by a dedicated group. Look forward to contributing in due course.
  14. PerthMini40man
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    PerthMini40man Senior Member

    I am back here after the summer break, and to start off with, here is my first Mini40 cat, built over the past few months here in Manila. Main purpose is to test transverse foil cases, as you can see in the photos. Was very satisfying to see the boat foil within 20 seconds of hitting the water
    dddd.jpg fbcat.jpg IMG_8825.JPG IMG_8845.JPG IMG_8862.JPG IMG_8872.JPG dddd.jpg fbcat.jpg IMG_8825.JPG IMG_8845.JPG IMG_8862.JPG IMG_8872.JPG
    dddd.jpg fbcat.jpg IMG_8825.JPG
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  15. PerthMini40man
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    PerthMini40man Senior Member

    And here is the video from last weekend. Probably best to turn the sound down as I forgot to blank out the noise of the gas boats...

    I can adjust the beam of the cat by inserting spacer tubes over the cross beam stubs that are epoxied onto the hulls. These slide inside the tubes that are part of the centre pod setup. Very easy to assemble but takes up more room inside the car

    I am also a firm believer in just one rudder on an rc multihull, as I cannot visualise how a leeward rudder and T foil will help foiling

    UpOnStands and Doug Lord like this.
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