First Study Plans for a Ply Wood Yawl

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Beattowindward, Sep 22, 2021.

  1. Beattowindward
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    Beattowindward Junior Member

    I'm trying to become more of a naval architect and to that end, I'm drawing more "study plans" I think that's the proper term for this I might be wrong. these are for a 17ft Yawl based loosely on the Autumn Leaves Canoe Yawl from CLC. I just thought it might be constructive to have you guys give it a once over and give me some ways to improve. right now my drafting setup is a ruler and a flat desk so these are a little rough.

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  2. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    The photos aren't showing up. Could you click the "Upload a File" under the reply/edit area and attach jpg drawings to your post, or post a link instead.
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    @Beattowindward my drafting set-up is also very often a ruler and a flat desk, and it has worked very well over the years.

    Please do post your study plans for your revised CLC yawl - you can be guaranteed that you will receive lots of opinion and advice, as we all love to critique other designs :)
    wayne nicol likes this.
  4. Beattowindward
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    Beattowindward Junior Member

    thanks for telling me, they should be up now
  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Are you planning on building this design yourself at some stage?

    Here is a link to the CLC Autumn Leaves for reference.
    Autumn Leaves Canoe Yawl

    I note that the CLC boat has twin boards, rather than one on the centreline like yours - assuming that your section sketches are to scale, then with that centreline board in the way I am thinking it might be rather difficult for somebody to get into the berth shown, never mind that it will be rather claustrophobic?

    Those are excellent freehand curves that you have drawn - but they would be so much easier to do with a simple set of French curves.
    Here is a typical set available on Amazon - but there are many others as well, if you search for 'french curves'.
  6. Beattowindward
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    Beattowindward Junior Member

    No maybe in the future, I will make a boat of my own design but this one was just to hone my edge

    Ya, I need to work on m interiors more I'm more used to working on bigger boats.

    Thanks for the tip I'll look into those!
  7. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    Very nice drawing! On the second panel, though, you need to more clearly mark the section lines on the profile and plan view. Also, I notice that it's labeled "12 1/2"; were you planning to scale down?

    I agree with the other comments about the centerboard. I like the Autumn Leaves for its uncluttered appearance, but it may also be possible to mount leeboards to the outsides of the hull, which would free up a little more of the interior and make the build lighter and simpler.
    bajansailor likes this.

  8. Beattowindward
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    Beattowindward Junior Member

    12 1/2 is the length of the boat at the waterline in feet
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