epoxy 17 bucks a kilo epoxy freight included!

Discussion in 'Materials' started by nukisen, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    In short:

  2. nukisen
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    nukisen Senior Member

    One example is a pc screen I did buy once along time ago, there was an european oem factorys name on it. And I did have a flicker on it, opened it and found a well known Asian developer for the electronics inside.
    As I don´t want to slander the european factory I haven´t called them by name.
    But this is a matter of fact. And also a very well known issue.
  3. tkk
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    tkk Junior Member

    If it is sold on a European brand name you can at least call the brand owner and make them take the responsibility for their stuff. If they put their name on it they must take the responsibility.

    But you are right, there is no way to verify the actual manufacturer.
  4. nukisen
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    nukisen Senior Member

    Yes tkk!
    This is why european or other near reseller often do have more qualitative products. Because It is easier to go and nag someone who is close. Also rumors spreads faster at your neighborhood. So the same as you tkk, of course want to have as good representation as possible, also then of course the better quality you are able to sell the more you feel lucky.

    Absolute you do have a point there.

    Actually a reseller that are importing have done a very big job to find a good product to sell, before he sells it.
    Of course there is a big risk to buy very far away. Specially if you don´t buy a produkt recomended by someone you trust.

    So the research an oem company have done before he is satisfied with the product is worth a lot. As we who are customers can feel more trust within this sellers. And as we do say in Sweden. We dont have to buy the pig in the bag.

  5. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    I would buy from a reputable company that has been around for over 20 years and supplies testing data for their product. These firms test the raw materials they buy so their data usually does not change. In the US West systems is just 1 of many who do testing and sell worldwide. An unknwn epoxy when using it for adhesion could make for a one way trip.
  6. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Must I name it again?

  7. nukisen
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    nukisen Senior Member

    Hahaha! Richard
    If I wanted to do a proffessional job. And selling my work to someone.
    Then I would ask you where to buy the same products as you are using and go for buying.
    If looking at your jobs been done Apex1. THEY ARE AWSOME!!!

    And for those who is reading this thread and havent seen the work Apex1 have done. Then imediately click further to his profile and take a look at his gallary. As I almost gets gooseflesh out of things he have done.
  8. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Thank you.

    To make it short, R&G is our main supplier for many things. Resin incl. Though just a wholesaler and reseller they provide the same prices and better service than the manufacturers. (a bit different from the catalogue, at 5 - 7 tonnes a week, though)
  9. nukisen
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    nukisen Senior Member

    What viscosity do you prefer when glassing?
  10. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Resin, hardener and additives change on some days with every other batch, according to ambient temperature, temperature of the layup surface (formerly layups heat up when curing), humidity, complexity of shape, orientation of the surface (overhead, flat, upright), processed fabric (glass, Kevlar, Carbon).....

    shall I continue?

    Our mixing wizards (called the Barkeeper) are some of the best paid men at the yard.
  11. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Yes, they put melamine in the dog food. That stuff is for Formica, not dog food.
  12. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Not so fast Hoyt. It really depends on who you're trying to please, the inspectors and company owners or the customers.
  13. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I guess investors(read Red Chinese Army) would count for more than beloved 3 or 4 legged family members.
  14. max123
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    max123 New Member

    what i

  15. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

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