Engineering an Outboard Mount for 180 RofM

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by DogCavalry, Sep 2, 2024.

  1. DogCavalry
    Joined: Sep 2019
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I have an application where steering an outboard beyond the usual 40° or so each way would be advantageous. Anyone already invented this wheel?
  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Curious as to what applications extreme outboard steering would be needed?
    Outboards forte is high speed thrust, and I’m certain you won’t be using over 40* at speed!
    Bow and stern thrusters are more common solutions to difficult docking/maneuvering exercises.
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Yes, there are azimuth drives.
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  4. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

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  5. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    The other place you'll see 180 degree pivoting props is on some live rudders.
    But they tend to be high maintenance and proprietary, in other words, expensive.
    Sure are the cats-*** when it comes to maneuvering and the rudder gives some limited protection for the prop.
    DogCavalry likes this.
  6. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I have a project converting a utility barge into an accommodation barge. Inside there are about 40 anchors from a dismantled fish farm. At the same time the complex needs the anchors for the finger docks replaced. Relocated would do, except the harbour was the center of a huge logging operation for close to a century; the bottom is like a ball of yarn a cat has been playing with. So new anchors, which led me to visualize the to and fro-ing to get the anchor in the right spot. Much easier if the operator has the ability to uncouple longitudinal and transverse forces. Naturally my mind ran off in high spirits, thinking about the engineering more than the job itself.
  7. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Would think a pivoting outboard bracket could be made stiff enough to rotate additional degrees. Maybe dual rams on either side like a big boat rudder but with a mounting plate perpendicular.

    Could maybe run it with the beefier kobelt 12v systems and a jog lever. Or possibly one of the bigger sb marine helms.
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  8. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

  9. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    It looks like a beast!
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  10. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    It is, but it was built to do just what you asked...a drop on to maneuver a large barge in harbor...Thousands were built and installed during WWII and are still in use as well as new built...and IIRC most use 3/4/6-71 DD's or a copy thereof rock heavy for the HP but also rock simple.
    BMcF and DogCavalry like this.
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