Cutting lead filled aluminium fin keel

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by Veit Grosche, Jul 18, 2024.

  1. Veit Grosche
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    Veit Grosche New Member

    Hi All
    I'm reducing my draft from 2.5m to 1.8 and will fit bulb to compensate.
    I need some experienced advice on how to cut off the bottom of lead filled fin keel.
    About a meter long horizontal cut and 300mm thick.
    Aluminium skin with I presume Aluminium sections encased with lead inside. It's got to be done in a hurry as travelling is busy.
    My options are:
    Circular saw.. cut's both but not enough depth.
    Chain saw.. cut's lead but both?
    Plasma cutting/lance... where do I hire it?
    Any advice is appreciated.
  2. gonzo
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  3. seasquirt
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    seasquirt Senior Member

    Mark it up both sides, use a tungsten carbide tipped circular saw both sides, with lubrication to ease the lead chips out, then a slightly blunted drill bit through the saw cuts every 1/4 inch or less to weaken / reduce the remainder, and finish off with a sharp wood hand saw, or new steel cutting reciprocating saw blade by hand (giant hacksaw blade). Rasp the new face flat or whatever shape needed for the bulb. That's my back yard dodgy brothers suggestion. Drilling holes in lead is difficult as it is gummy / sticky, and sharp drill bits bite in and snap off in it. No experience with chainsaw metal cutting; probably well sharpened and lots of lubrication; potentially dangerous if the chain jams / snaps; and the centrifugal clutch will probably be ruined quickly. Good luck, and let us know how it went whatever method(s) you use.
  4. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    Cut both sides with a carbide circular saw to the max depth. This will get you a guide cut. Depending on the shape of the keel, you might get 2 - 3 inches deep
    Rent a 12 inch concrete saw, this should get you about 4-5 inches in, leaving you 2 - 4 inches in the middle
    Purchase an 18 or 20 inch demolition blade that fits a sawzall and push it through so that the blade is guided by the partially cut sections. Ie the blade will straddle both previous cuts.
    I am assuming that you will be welding the new bulb on. Stay away from using any lubricants as it will be extremely difficult to perfectly clean the cut area if any oil gets up between the
    lead and aluminum skin.

    You might even try a stiff crosscut (coarse) handsaw as it may cut the lead quite easily. Lubricate with water if you have to
  5. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I’d cut the aluminum with a circular saw set just deep enough to cut through the alu.
    A chainsaw with water sprayed on the blade will cut the lead. Don’t let the chain heat up!
    Howlandwoodworks likes this.
  6. Veit Grosche
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  7. Veit Grosche
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    Veit Grosche New Member

    The gun loving folks cutvup a lot of lead and found discussions how diamond blades clog
  8. Veit Grosche
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    Veit Grosche New Member

    Thanks all giving me ideas, tungsten cuts then electric hacksaw .. plan b drill.
    Cutting aluminium with hss steel or tungsten is easy just regularly apply hard wax when it gets sticky, my jig saw with hss blade lasts for ever cutting 6mm aluminium.
    Also if you ever cut / plane lead cover the electric motor vents with fly netting, the lead chips bugger up the commutators .. 2 planers

  9. C. Dog
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