Catamaran Strength Analysis

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by mrlonely, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. mrlonely
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    mrlonely New Member

    hello there,
    I am currently starting a project to analize a catamaran transverse strength. Last time I'm using a formula to find Transverse Split Force for calculating stress on wet deck. I'm using a formula from DNV Classification Note 3.08 1996 (shown on pics) then I found out that this CN 3.08 is no longer for use because on DNV official site say that this rules is retired. Did someone find another or latest rules about how to find Fy or split load force?

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  2. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    All you have to do is register, login in, and then you can get the latest most up to date copy of the rules.
    This being Pt.3 Ch.1 - Design Principles, Design Loads, July 2023.

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  3. mrlonely
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    mrlonely New Member

    Thank you for your help, sir
    I found the latest formula for Fy, but did the Fy still can be used as shown in the picture ( 1/4 Fy on the keel and 3/4 on the waterline design) ? I'm still not find the latest rules how to apply this Fy (trans.split load) except the one that shown on the previous picture.
  4. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Have you down loaded the new updated rules yet?
  5. mrlonely
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    mrlonely New Member

    yeah I did but I cant find the replacement for Design Load on DNV Classification Note 3.08
    the DNV Classification Note 30.8 itself has been retired since 2021, Im trying to find another Journal about this but every journal apply the load as shown on the DNV CN 30.8.
  6. mrlonely
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    mrlonely New Member

    The Journal that using DNV CN 30.8 as referrenced shown below

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  7. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    It is just a note (technical advise note), and it is fully replaced by the rules I cited above.
    You must use those rules I cited above, there is no other...for these HSLC vessels.
    It is that simple!
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