Boat building project in Sri Lanka

Discussion in 'Post-Tsunami' started by gamage, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    This is one site I know of in Mexico, and you guys in the U.S could probably dig up more builders of Pangas.

    This is the basic boat that could be produced quickly and economically with your collective knowledge.

    It only draws 8" of water, and is virtually "unsinkable".

    This is a design that most fishermen need, it is a basic fishing boat, the larger vessels you are discussing would be ideal, 6-12 months down the road.
    Just my 2 baht :)
  2. seamonkey
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    seamonkey Junior Member

    I was thinking the same as 'johnbkk'........"The Panga, built in Mexico would be ideal for all of the countries affected."

    I would think that the first priority would be to focus on producing a large # of smaller fishboats to focus on the immediate need for the LOCAL fishery,,the bigger boats and export fishery can come later.-with this approach,,a lot more fishers could be affected positively quicker and cheaper.

    It's pretty clear there's a strong boat industry in asia,,and the skills,,,so it would be best to provide work to people over there in building the boats,,and bolster that industry,,,,,,,,and focus on fundraising/sponsorship for materials,labor costs.(?)
  3. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    Politics raising it's ugly head

    Thanks SM.
    an ungrateful Indo gov't....... "Indonesia gives foreign troops exit deadline"
    after my gov't promised a billion $ in aid packages..... read on.....!

    Unfortunately we must take into account the politics in this region.

    Aceh (the northern province) looks to be out of the loop for setting up a mini factory. Banda Aceh is the main town destroyed along with the northwest coastal areas.

    Maybe Medan would be the best place to setup in Indo. It's reasonably stable, no ratbag Muslim separatists (so far) but miles from where the boats are needed.

    Galle, in southern Sri Lanka and Phuket in southern Thailand are worth looking at.

    Malaysia would be the best spot for all but you would then run into probs with duty and corruption in Indo & Thailand by exporting from Malaysia..

    Does anyone have any links/contacts, to the inflatable workshops featured in the pix on the Mexican site for Pangas?

    I am currently in Sydney until the end of March, if anyone would like me to make any phone calls to bbulders here, please email me or call +61 403 889 721
  4. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    Dear Jhon

    Thank u for u r mail.In few dayes I will informe all detils of this project to all forum members
  5. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member


    Hi gamage, I did not send any mail to you.

    I apologise if I have posted in the wrong thread.

    There are 2 issues here.

    You are discussing 90 day vessels
    and I piped in about 1 day vessels.

    ie; immediate needs!

  6. jdv_nl
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    jdv_nl New Member

    similar thoughts

    A colleague came up with a similar thought a few days after the tsunami struck. being in the composites industry, we are currently putting together a project with the goal:

    building fishing boats locally, with local workers, 2-3 per day per building site.

    using simple glassfiber technology, we would like to provide the technology/training and support to achieve that. we are currently in contact with international aid organisations in the Netherlands, talking to resin suppliers, glass supplier and outboard suppliers. a yacht designer has agreed to set up a hull shape approx 30 ft. we are also in the process of building moulds to ship to asia later. a lot has to be done to have the project working well. hope to achieve that.

    all ideas and suggestions welcome, combining efforts from several initiatives could accelerate implementing the building and have the people fishing again as quickly as possible.

  7. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    Re: Similar thoughts

    Thanks jeroan.
    Good idea.

    If thinkinjg of setting up anything in Thailand, you will need work permits whether you work voluntarily or paid .

    Let me know and I'll put you in touch with Farang experts in the WP field.... all legal and above board.

    I can't help with Indon or Sri Lanka WPs.
  8. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    thank you

    Dear Jdv
    Now we are preparing a blueprint for this project with the government of S/L.we well come your proposal. Our web site we will launch soon.
  9. Harm

    Harm Guest


    Dear all,

    In your forum you talk about a so called 'Panga'. Anybody with pictures or drawings of this boat type?

    Looking forward to your response.

    Harm (a collegue of Jeroen)
  10. Harm

    Harm Guest


    Ok, found some pictures on mentioned websites. Anybody knows where to get typical drawings?

  11. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    There are some drawings at whether they have enough detail for you, I'm not sure.

    I asked Steve from to check out this thread but no news from him so far, he was a prolific poster and promoter of his website in other threads on this forum.... I just noticed that he hasn't posted since Oct, have sent an email to his factory again.
  12. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    Boat Building Project In Srilanka

    Dear Members of the forum ,
    I hope still you are with us.Its bussy time here and take few dayes to clear all leagale matters. I am going to do this project very transparnce hence I will provide all leagle access to this mattar from your end too.
    Please bear with me I will informe what are the mateIrals and assistance we are expecting SRILANKA
  13. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    Still here, Gamage. I'm hoping to put together a fact sheet for relief organizations and interested officials this weekend using information that has been provided to me by posters to these forums. I'd love to get some specifics on what your propose in time to include them.

    Fair Winds,
  14. D'ARTOIS
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    D'ARTOIS Senior Member


    Mr Gamage,

    I am invited to attend a special meeting that will be organised by the Dutch help & care organisations that control yet a sum well in excess of Euro 145.000.000,=
    brought along by the Dutch people.

    At sofar, from what I could hear, reports are vague, not really to the point, ..... they have told to have given small credits (?) to local fishermen to by canoes

    In my opinion, this is a bit short of what is expected to be done.

    Could you give me your impression of what have been realised yet, because if there is any reason for carefull guidance to these organisations, I would like to help to push the affairs a little bit. It is clear that they have no knowledge of what is exactly needed and that their help is almost steerless by lack of up to the point information.
    In this particular case I must request that you use clear language. These people (the welfare organisations) are sitting now on huge funds and they shall not very willingly separate from their recent accumulated wealth, so if indeed things are going not according to what it should be, please let me know in clear wording.
    I do my utmost best - as all the people in this forum especially Mr Ditmore and friends - to push things direction Sri Lanka.

    Sincere Regards,
    Brien R. Gilroy

  15. gamage
    Joined: Apr 2002
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    gamage Senior Member

    tsunami fund / srilanka

    Dear Sirs,

    Thank you for your responce. I understand your massage very clear. After this disaster administration system of the country focuses on many issues. So I have to clear one by one. According to the present data 1200 fishing trawlers and 8750 small boat distroed. Our Fishing community use to their traditional concept of boats they used. In my program I have three steps.
    To manufacture and supply small boats (fast supply)+fishing gear+OBM
    To repair as much as trawlers and put them in to water
    To manufacture fishing trawlers. And replace and re-use any machinery in usable condition.
    Long term project
    To manufacture and supply catamaran for tourism industry and help them to function their industry, dispute of rebuilding same resorts far from beach (final location of building yet to be established by the government)

    We are working hard to keep all in line with our objective. And I reiterate you, that befit of every dollar you are sending to us, I will pass to genuine victims.
    This process may be slow but I hope u will understand difficulties we are experiencing to finalize this project
    Please bear with us
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