Boat building project in Sri Lanka

Discussion in 'Post-Tsunami' started by gamage, Dec 30, 2004.

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    D'ARTOIS Senior Member

    Re Klaus Neven/Query Stephen Ditmore

    For business reasons, I stay in regular touch with Klaus Neven from Promaritim, located in West-Sumatra.
    During our communication I have learned that Mr Neven is a conscious and dependable contactperson with a very well developed knowledge of local boatbuilding, shipyards and available technology.
    After the Tsunami disaster, I mailed him to express my concern about his safety which he replied that all was safe for him.
    Yesterday I mailed him to ask him his opinion about the present siuation that he also replied the same day; that for business reasons he had to go to Singapore and that he would answer my query upon his return in a few days.

    What I have learned sofar is that in the coastal areas of the particular countries the communication lines are destroyed, as electricity, telephone and therefore communications like e-mail etc. are put out of action.

    All I can say is that if we need a very reliable and dependable contactperson there, In Sumatra, Indonesia, we should ask Mr Neven to help us in this respect when it comes to the supply of actual aid.

    As you are all aware of, the international community of the US and Europe have amassed large sums of financial resourcesthat might come available to the ravaged countries in some time from now.
    However, my experience of 20 years of negotiating contracts in Asia and Africa had made me a little bit careful if this will do any good to the people that are so hard hit by this disaster in the short term. If at all.

    The amassed aid is in hands - or will come into - of politicians and well care organisations who have their own objectives and their own games to play with.

    For the moment we don't know yet how this massive aid will be distributed, to which areas, and who will be responsible for the proper distribution. In my opinion, this will mean that it might take at least half a year to a year before some of the econimical aid will start, so nothing will come to the boatbuilders of the coastal areas right now.

    If I understand Mr Gamage well, he says that if tourism will pick up in some time after now, there will be nothing for them to do in the sense of making boat trips etc. for the simple fact that there is no leisure craft left.
    Why not helping him with his project?

    In the course of this activity we might learn more about local conditions there and can help him to set up his own facility so there will be at least someone who will receive direct help from us and he in his turn will need local people to assist him and then - as a result - one activity is set on the rails.

    That would be a beginning.

    If this is an acceptable and practical idea, let us start with this. We are from all over the world, from Alaska to New Zealand and such a cooperation might benefit people who need it NOW and could do some good with it.

    Your comments on this proposal are most welcome,

  2. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    Thanks, D'Artois. I don't have time to resond at length now, but I'm very happy that you're in touch with someone in the area, and that he's safe. I look forward to reading more.

  3. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    boatbuilding in Sri Lanka

    Dear D.Artois,

    Thank you for your assistance .I am doing everything I can, at this end to keep this project at right course.
  4. CgarciaDesign
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    CgarciaDesign Junior Member

    Dear Gamage,

    I know of a boatbuilder that is also willing to help with the recovery efforts. He tells me that he is willing to donate a mold that will satisfy the 45-55ft inboard multy-day boat. Possibly, it may also be used for tourism since she is a coastguard certifed cat.

    Good luck and God bless.
  5. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    thank you DRJ

    Thank you for your notice.may I get some pictcuers of this cat to justify how it works in our waters? You may reply to <>
    Thank you sir once again
  6. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    Dear Mr Alik

    I will send you detail report of our boatbuilding history and present day activetes in Srilanka ASAP
  7. SeaMaster Yachts of Ft Lauderdale can donate our 54’ semi -displacement Catamaran design to a qualified boat builder in the Tsunami affected regions.

    The SeaMaster 54’ Catamaran is a fiberglass boat produced from female molds. Speeds to 28 knots, and ranges in excess of 3,000 miles are possible with various power options. Load carrying capacity at the drawn water line is 1,200 lbs per inch immersion. With a 21’ beam, open deck areas as large as 800 sq. feet are possible. Hull #1 is a 49 passenger USCG certified passenger-carrying vessel. Engineering and hull testing on this new
    design has been done by a highly respected and experienced Naval Architect and Marine
    Engineer. Existing designs include a 56’TrawlerCat, a Dive Boat, and a Sport Fishing boat. Details are available at

    SeaMaster Yachts can make available shop space and technical know- how to immediately fabricate a copy of the 11-piece production molds that would allow local production. We will also provide ongoing technical support to insure quality production.

    Construction of hulls, deck, and simple superstructure from these molds requires approximately 950 hours and US$ 35,000 in materials. (No equipment.)

    This project would require the donation of mold building materials, the labor expense of mold construction, shipment of the molds, and material for regional boatbuilders.

    Construction of the 9-piece set of production molds for the hulls, weather deck and simple superstructure will require 6 –8 weeks and cost $130,000.

    Any feedback is welcome.

    Ed Masters
    SeaMaster Yachts
    Ft Lauderdale, FL
  8. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member


    M/S Sea Master Yachts
    Thank you sirs for your cooparation and asisstance, I will proceed this mattar with few boat builders in S/L
  9. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

  10. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    dear members of boatbuilding forum

    We are in the process of evaluvating all infromation and assistance extended to us by the boatbuilding comminuty in this forum.leading raw material suppliears,boatbuilders,navel archi-tech,M.o.fisheres officials,experts in touarisam industry,and all kind of end users who may need our help at this movement ,policy makers and bankers we all are involving in this project.
    please baer with us .no sooner we finalise all , I will infrome you sirs,
    thank you once again
  11. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    My information may be out-of-date, but when I was in Gujarat, India in 1984 gill netting was thought to be more friendly to fish populations than mechanized trawlers (which sweep up an assortment of sea life, and eggs, and damage sea beds).

    Also, the rush to mechanize seemed to be driven in part by engine manufacturers. Do you think sailing fishing vessels would benefit from technical updates? Some seasons one might need outboards, but aren't the winds quite strong & steady at times in your part of the world?

    Does Sri Lanka need ferries? For tourism, what do you think of dive excursion boats as a category? What do you make of Derek Kelsall's KSS method?
  12. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    Type of fishing trawlers use in Sri lanka

    Most of 19ft day fishing boats with 15-25hp OBM beond repaierabale condition
    Local manufactuaring cost about USD 1250-1500+OBM+Fishing gear
    I will attach Photo to night

    Regarding catamaran I have built catamaran in
    using simpale vacum (composit) systam .up to now no commarcial grade cat avalabale in S/L.but , since coatal resorts are distroid due to Tsunami and relocation with newly established boundary line is not easy ,we have to introduce cat for them as a best option as well as for logistic and ourther transpotation activites, may be in male too?
  13. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    If you're thinking large trawlers, here are some useful web sites:

    I like these boats:

    Technical developments worth following include Alustar Aluminum
    and Common Rail Deisels, such as the Volvo Penta D4 and D6 (though these models may turn more RPMs than is optimum for a trawler).

    I think the real issue is: what's the optimum boat for your fishery. I'd advise getting a business major who knows how to use a spreadsheet for optimization to run some variables - distance to the fishing grounds, typical catch, time at sea vs. in port, fuel costs at different operating speeds, time spent trawling vs. other activities, time spent chasing the fish. How does the mixed nature of the tropical catch make the economic equation different from coldwater fisheries, and how should this effect the design?

    I'm a little surprised that the first and third hulls in your photos appear to be optimised for relatively high speeds. Does speed wind up being an important factor economically in your fishery? Could a boat that has a large payload stay at sea longer and do well, or would the fish spoil?
  14. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    boats /srilanka

    I agree with u on some points u have mentioned.As u have seen on mass media ,most of fishing trawlers grounded due to the tsunami are similer to my photos.which has built by one of the leading boatbuilder in Srilanka.and its is very common hull every boatyard in S/L.
    If I recall my memory for two decads, white fish authority UK introduced 34 fishing trawler,ADB funded project introduced 32 trawler, UK funded project intoduced sand skipper catamaran, BOBP project introduced 32 fishing trawler Ect;
    But choice of our local fishing community is vessels of round bottom displacment hull and hard chine vee bottom semi displacement hull ,which I have attached.
    these vessel driven by single motor 65hp-110hp range and large vessel with twin 110-150 range engines
    avarage endurance 10-14 dayes to reach fishing grounds and another 7-10 dayes for fishing oparation.manly for shark and tuna.
    Qulity of fish not up to very high standerd in some vessels but for export market some fisherman oparating for tuna as well. u may visit srilanka/nara website for furthe infromation

  15. johnbkk
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    johnbkk Junior Member

    New boats

    I found your site by chance....... looking for info re boatbuilding for the tsunami affected areas.

    The Panga, built in Mexico would be ideal for all of the countries affected.
    If it was built to have foam insulation it would be best.

    22' to 32' is the size of boat needed.

    In Thailand they use old car engines and a long shaft prop, hence the name 'longtail',
    outboards are rarely seen.

    I don't know about sri lanka and indonesia but my guess is they would need a minimum of 25000 boats.

    Any suggestions?
    PS, I am not a boat builder but these people need urgent help to feed themselves.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2005
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