Aluminum fishing boats manufacturer required

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by toni manzano, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. toni manzano
    Joined: Aug 2023
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    toni manzano Junior Member

    i was searching the web for aluminum boats manufactures in the united states or Italy
    well my search wasn't so accurate, as I'm not looking to buy.. so I'm not looking to contact a dealer but I'm looking to contact a factory.. where it manufactures what i require.. i would like to visit the factory and see for myself.. because i have this idea of a collaboration that might be beneficial for both parties.
    and why USA and Italy? because those are the countries that im visiting in the upcoming days.

    So please if anyone can help me find what I'm looking for I'd be grateful.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    What do you require?

    What are you exactly looking for?
  3. toni manzano
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    toni manzano Junior Member

    i'm looking for a company that has its own factory where it manufactures aluminum boats.. i want to visit it and perhaps establish a collaboration in boat manufacturing, or even buy everything i need to build the boat but build it in my facility..
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    What type (monohull, catamaran, displacement, planing.....) and size of fishing boat do you want to build, and for what specific type of fishing purpose will it be used for?
    comfisherman and BlueBell like this.
  5. toni manzano
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    toni manzano Junior Member

    alright sorry for not giving full details, you see its like this.. im a big fan of catamarans, but i think its better to start off with monohulls.. no specific type or purpose is required, perhaps only that it can cross oceans..
    and the size would be from 10 meters up to 20 meters
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Do you have a facility already - I presume in the USA?

    Surely it is best to start off with what your potential market might want? Have you determined (eg by market research, even fairly inf9rmally) what the market is like in your area (and nationally even) for the type of boats that you might want to build?

    That is quite a tall order really, for a fishing vessel in this size range to have trans-ocean range.
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You won't get a lot of good information by being so cryptic. A 10 meter cabin cruiser won't be able to cross oceans. At 20 meters there is no high speed boat with that range either. Sailboats will definitely will be capable. Also, you need to define what kind of finish is required. Companies that build working fishing boats will not be able to do a yacht finish. On the other hand, if you are looking for a workboat finish, paying Burger for a world class yacht finish will be too much.
    bajansailor likes this.
  8. Alan Cattelliot
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    Alan Cattelliot Senior Member

    You won't find lot of aluminium boat manufacturer in Italy. I used to work in Ukrain for the metallic part of recreationnal crafts, because there are so much excellent welders that have a lot of experience in Aeronautics. Boat's interior were done in Italy. The only aluminium boat I've worked on in Italy (70' footer sailing yacht) was built by foreign contractant. As there are some issues working in Ukrain now, why don't you make a quick jump in Czechoslovakia ?

  9. Maxm
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    Maxm New Member

    Are you still looking for?
    I built one in China recently. I am traveling to China relatively often.
    Planning to build another one.
    if you are interested we can discuss.
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