Aluminum boat building

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by Face, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Face
    Joined: Jul 2018
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    Face New Member

    Hi , i want to build an aluminum boat in morocco. I have heard that there are plans ready to buy. Is there anyway Someone could explain it to me ?
  2. TANSL
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  3. Face
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    Face New Member

    Thanks for your reply, i was looking at the website you send me. I see that i can buy the cnc files and study plan. My situation is as follows: i have a friend who is a welder in morocco he told me that if he can get his hands on a blue print of a boat that he is able to build it. I want a similair boat like this.

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  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Then I seem to understand that you want to build that boat exactly but you do not have the plans. Am I right?
    On the other hand, your friend knows how to weld, but do you have a way to cut plates and reinforcements?
  5. Face
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    Face New Member

    If i could get my hands on some technical sheets then my friend would be able to cut them by hand. But i also can machine cut them here in holland and send them to morocco, i am still checking whats best. On the website you send me I could choose between the cnc files or study plan. Do you know what the study plan means. Thanks in advance!
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    study plans is a general information that does not allow you to build anything, it is pure marketing, they describe the product but they do not allow you to do anything concrete, only to know in more detail the boat and the type of information that you will receive when you pay.
  7. Sejler
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    Sejler New Member

    You have a long and fine tradition of boat building in Holland..
    Why don't you talk with local boat builders/ship yards before risking your money on a unknown craft man in a totally different culture as Morocco?
    rwatson likes this.

  8. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    very true.
    The cost of shipping aluminium so far will outweigh any labour costs.

    The Hull is only 20% of the entire boat cost, so its false economy to try to save on a small part of the hull building process.
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