Almarine Dolphin 1200 OK plans and manuals request

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by bveshipbuilding, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. bveshipbuilding
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    bveshipbuilding New Member

    Hello, I recently won an auction for this Almarine Dolphin 1200 OK boat, and my goal is to fully restore it. The biggest problem I'm facing at the moment is the paperwork. Unfortunately, the owners of this yacht have passed away, and some of the documents are missing.

    I am happy to say that I have the ownership document, as well as many of the warranties (e.g., the engine warranty/manual, the radar device, etc.). However, the boat manual and the docking plan are missing.

    Unfortunately, from what I understand, the company Almarine no longer exists. Could someone help me with the docking plans, the compartment plan, and the boat manual, or at least guide me towards a possible solution?

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  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Bve.

    Is this the boat that you bought at auction?
    2000 Dolphin 1200 OK Motor Yacht | Troostwijk Auctions

    It is possible that Almarine never produced a Boat Manual as such - but at least you have the Registration document and the engine manual.
    Re a 'docking plan' what do you mean by this?
    Does this refer to the method of supporting the boat when out of the water, or how to tie up to a dock - or something else?
  3. bveshipbuilding
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    bveshipbuilding New Member

    Thanks for welcoming,

    Yes that was the auction.

    And yes, I'm refering to the method of supporting the boat when out of the water, or how to tie up to a dock.
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