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40’ Corsa offshore center console/ Race boat molds

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by FASTHAWK40, Feb 15, 2022.

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    FASTHAWK40 New Member

    40’ Corsa / Offshore Center Console/ Race boat molds . A proven hull design for 40 years . These boats won many Championships back in the day due to it being built as a blue water wave crusher . Most have been converted to Center Console’s and shipped around the world for tour ride operation’s . This was the real boats that ruled Miami waters back in the day . Even though another famous boat company takes credit for it . Same hull design as the tempest 44’ Coast Guard boats . 26 degree hull , 9’8” wide , triple strikes, large chimes , transom pad and euro transom . Caged in steel .Boat has very high freeboard perfect for any high capacity tour ride operation even here in the United States. They hold 35 persons uncertified in the islands and and around 20 persons certified in the United States . This a Proven 40’ center console hull design for great ride and big water for fishing boats or a military gunship contract. Or race again just ad steps ! Will consider selling for $35,000 or maybe a joint venture . Fasthawk40@aol.com for more info and pictures
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