I have mentioned before the 18' cruiser I am building. It is coming time to glass the hull and I had some questions. I am going to be using...
About to install an outboard on an 18 foot curiser I have built. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for how the fuel...
Akes S 24 aluminum sport cruiser 7.5 x 2.5 m sterndrive engine, up to 430 hp, 50 knots designed by Akesdesign more info:...
14 foot pocket sailboat for two overnight, designed for protected, inland, and coastal waters. A very simple design with flat bottom and single...
Two boats on the same basis: a junk-rig pocket cruiser and a more traditional cutter. 15 foot sailboat for three overnight, designed for...
After a three year building project I have finally launched my boat, the Artnautica LRC58. After a week of testing I'm glad to report she is...
HAWC 10.6M Beam 3.8M Hydrfoil Assisted Twin Suzuki 250 hp OB Engines All aluminum 5t displacement - drop bow. 45kt top speed - 3/4 Cabin Water...
With an overall length of 27 feet this lovely cruiser accommodates up to four passengers comfortably. Room in the head for bunks and a working...
classic cruiser boat