Although on the Mississippi/Missouri, and with vastly different boats to what you propose, there's some great detail in this terrific historic...
And, at risk of sabotaging your build ambitions...: Child's Sit On Top Kayak 1.8M (Junior Children Kayaking Fun) | DIY at B&Q...
Hannu's boatyard has a lot of small, simple ply boat designs... Hannu's Boatyard | Free Boat Plans For instance, he's...
Not sure there's anything here that will precisely fit your brief, but perhaps some inspiration: Bumblebee Sailboat...
In the guardian (uk) British woman and husband found dead after failed Atlantic crossing...
Tally Ho has been launched : [MEDIA]
I'm of the view that the R2AK would be a lot more interesting with judicious placing of checkpoints that meant a boat that could be portaged stood...
Current records for pump foiling on flat water seem to be in the ball park of 25km: The Official Foiling Book of Records - Foil Pro...
I can't imagine that the wings used by wing foilers are very efficient - that big fat tube as leading edge and then a single skin - is there a...
An interesting project here, with respect to this discussion - using the sailrocket approach of the reversed foil anchoring the rig in the water:...
A friend of mine, a Scottish fisherman, in a fairly remote village, has just converted his boat to electric, with PV on the boat. Interesting that...
Yes, and I suspect there are very good reasons why the Dutch, who are rather experienced at building water adjacent structures prefer concrete...
The Netherlands are pursuing floating houses using timber superstructure on concrete caissons, tied to dolphins with flexible service connections...
Mark Palmquist is exploring and prototyping some related ideas on Duckworks - might be worth a follow on fb