Who can give me the calculation of the necessary storing, processing and disposing capacities for garbage of boat (In accordance with revised...
Built and completed at a Yard in Vietnam, design by BMT designer England.
How to fabricate the aluminum boat at workshop; this is always the question asked most. [MEDIA]
Shippax Technology and Design Award 2021” for the ferry “WILLEM BARENTSZ”. “Operating in the shallow Wadden Sea, a UNESCO World Heritage site,...
Floating Dock completed pulling up and launching for increasing 60m long to become 120m to launch the big vessel, cooperation between Vard...
How to design a ship, how to design a ship in space engineers, how to design a cruise ship...etc. That is the question of many current students,...
Guys, I give you all some guilder in aluminium fabrication process. You can view others video with the good aluminium boat. Let view on video link...
www. strategicmarine.com