We'll see about renting a car or something. Really interested to meet someone who's done this already. Everyone says I'm crazy including my wife,...
Hey Mark, are you available in late August to meet up? We'll be sailing to bay of Quinte.
See earlier discussion and SOR. I prefer aluminum alloy for its lower maintenance requirements and bigger resale value. Costs may make me change...
OK, consider them purchased!
Your comments are so true, especially your last one. I've done a lot of design work over the decades - not boats per se but all kinds of other...
I was going to get "The Elements of Boat Strength" as soon as I get my shore leave (my employer's shipboard firewall does not allow crew to access...
I appreciate you keeping me on the straight and narrow when it comes to the SOR. I agree. Having a vessel that is "not sensitive to silty, trashy...
Awesome, thanks. Time to put my Excel spreadsheet skills to work methinks...
I 'd say it's a requirement. I don't want to ruin a new $15,000 engine with a 5 cent plastic bag. But I am open to suggestions if there are...
Drawings, at last! I'm working with rudimentary tools and could only take a pic of these with my phone. Please forgive me if they are hard to...
I've been trying to get back to this project but have been short handed in the engine room for a week so it's been work, eat, sleep. Nevertheless,...
We toyed with the idea of commercializing this vessel but it started to complicate the design and in the end we decided to just keep it for our...
So, here's my Statement of Requirements for the newly named "Compact Canal (CC) Cruiser". I've tried to say what I want, not to get too much into...
I'm used to parametric modellers like Solidworks and Intergraph and have been working with 3D CAD since the late 80's (Ooopps I just dated...
I had a trial version of Rhino but wasn't overly impressed but I probably never gave it enough effort to learn it. Now that I know it's used a lot...