thank you Old Multi - glad to hear the daggerboards should come up and down without too much trouble I'm getting close to launching and fretting...
Hello hello Can I ask some advice or should I start a new thread … that is the question I've been building my 60 foot catamaran for a few too...
Hello again catamaran designers and cruisers This time I humbly seek your advice about a suitable forestay for the good ship Archimedes (she/he/it...
Good questions bajansailor 1. direct from China 2. yes, one year, but what is it worth 3. no links 4. no reviews Think I've decided to go Lewmar...
Advice please gentlemen Has anyone bought a Chinese electric winch lately? I'm considering buying two 1200 watt winches with a 316 stainless...
Typo Rhino 3D And another pic just for fun
Hi Kurt 1. There are 40 ribs. Designed using Rhono 3D CAD. All cut by CNC, all different sizes. 2. We bent 1 mm aircraft ply over the ribs and...
Here are some pictures of the 20 m carbon wing mast my wife and I built for our catamaran The structural/aero design took me a few years to...
Good advice comfisherman - the fluid link from the bum end of each ram is about 6 metres long (20 feet) It goes up from the port ram, over the...
You guys are so helpful, thank you for your comments. You are right kapnD, I did put a vented plug in the port helm pump (following the...
Thanks again for your wise comments John Yes I can adjust the rake a degree or two To discourage air being drawn down I was sort of planning to...
As discussed in previous threads, we are building a sixty foot catamaran, actually more like a 54 footer with long narrow bows. Anyway I need...