if all else fails just remember, zip up your pants first! that way your friends won't laugh at you at your funeral! lol assuming the "you just go...
gotcha! , was just curious! Just plotting my return and all! lol
yeah! thats a bit like a F1 to a hot hatchback comparo! ps hows the kraken coming along Corley? sorry if i missed updates, been a bit busy! Barry
thanks! great thread as well, you had me at aluminum space frame! lol something i have been meaning to look into and do tests on in real world. I...
Would love to have a look at spindrift plans, for history and comparison sake alone! Be nice if a collective were actually to come together with...
how did the launch ever go, or not go Bruce? sorry I've been out of it for a while and have been curious! I was actually busy dropping dead in my...
very cool! whats going on in back of boat? rudder, foil? ect...... Barry
Gmta! Lol
maybe even consider adding quick landings on mold for bag surfaces? some 6 inch wide particle board even that takes wax easily and won't stick....
whats the plan, do side then other and combine, or combine mold and lay up inside recombined mold? Barry
awesome! Barry
very cool! your the man! will looked over. Barry
anybody wanna buy a right arm,slightly used? I love this boat Barry
worse case couldn't one just rig up a limiter, that way you'll "feel" comfortable with something on boom, i.e. helping mast, and you get to free...
I still love the barracuda. Barry