Have a look at these both designed as pod cats rather than add-ons. Over 13-14 metres Malcolms racing designs tend to be open wingdeck like the...
I can't remember if I've posted this before, but the late Malcolm Tennant designed a whole bunch of open/podcats in the 12-15 metre range, some...
Kohler Gunter Rig Plans https://duckworks.com/kohler-gunter-rig-plans/
Thats a nice cat you built. I'm in a similar situation the 25' tri I built a while back suited me well for years but as retirement draws closer I...
Hard to say without looking at it in person. While the hulls look quite Shilo-like the cabins on the hulls and BD cabin (even allowing for what...
Hi Peter, thats a big hunk of boat there. It will be interesting to see what you do with her. An aquaintance of mine had the original NZ Shilo...
I spoke to Malcom about this design back in the early 2000s when there were far fewer cruisable small multi designs available. As part of my...
Possibly a stupid question, but I have wondered what advantage (if any) there is by having the front of the cabin inclined forward at the top like...
Hi OM, I had lunch and a couple of beers with Gary last week. While getting on a bit he is still sharp as a tack. I'll PM you his email.
Malcolm Tennant designed some pure cruising tube cats up to around 40 feet (and more racing oriented designs that were larger). I don't know...
Hi Fallguy, interested to know what design you are building. Any pics?
"Overpriced and awful boats linger on market, anything priced well and worth having goes quick". Sounds very much like the market here although we...
The Simpson looks a nice boat - but of course looks can be deceiving. Out of all the boats you mentioned I don't think you can beat a Gypsy for...
Hi John, thanks for post further info about your design. Obviously a lot of work has gone into the concept which looks very practical. The...
Also used on this elegant concept for a small poly-esque style catamaran by the aforementioned Mike Schacht. Proa File | Manu Kai: Hawaiian double...