I spoke to Malcom about this design back in the early 2000s when there were far fewer cruisable small multi designs available. As part of my...
Possibly a stupid question, but I have wondered what advantage (if any) there is by having the front of the cabin inclined forward at the top like...
Hi OM, I had lunch and a couple of beers with Gary last week. While getting on a bit he is still sharp as a tack. I'll PM you his email.
Malcolm Tennant designed some pure cruising tube cats up to around 40 feet (and more racing oriented designs that were larger). I don't know...
Hi Fallguy, interested to know what design you are building. Any pics?
"Overpriced and awful boats linger on market, anything priced well and worth having goes quick". Sounds very much like the market here although we...
The Simpson looks a nice boat - but of course looks can be deceiving. Out of all the boats you mentioned I don't think you can beat a Gypsy for...
Hi John, thanks for post further info about your design. Obviously a lot of work has gone into the concept which looks very practical. The...
Also used on this elegant concept for a small poly-esque style catamaran by the aforementioned Mike Schacht. Proa File | Manu Kai: Hawaiian double...
Hi Andrea, The 32R hulls are symetrical in cross section below the waterline, but have a pronounced chamfer panel on the inside of each hull,...
A more recent design with a similar folding method is shown on page 7 of this thread. And Delaveau Multihull Design...
Bob designed the 32R for me initially. Building has not commenced due to covid and other of lifes idiocies. I can't PM you as you don't have...
I briefly considered the 26 tri stretched to fit the 8.5 rule here. Then I watched the cylinder mold video - not for this boy. I read somewhere...
One on Yachthub right now. Used Pelin Catamaran Snowbird for Sale | Yachts For Sale | Yachthub...
As another variation on the PT theme, there was also the Tiger Shark 5.5 twin trapese job. A few built over here (NZ).