Not familiar with the term but if you mean constant section and straight you are right.
To "MY DREAM" I have all the original plans on this boat if you need any. Live in Florida also. There is a club for Trojan owners. This hull...
Wetted Surface Wetted Surface is means nothing in stability. The first thing to look at is angle of attack. Foils are an unnecessary appendage...
Check the web site for the patent he holds. It is being built currently in NJ.
Design Why don't you go to, to the man who had the mechanical patent on the first chines from the Delta Conic hull and the...
Looks Like Looks like the decks from the Infinity line that was built across the canal from magnum at the old Presidential Yacht Building,...
WWII It works.
IBEX-2003 Harry Schoell will be in an open Forum on the IBEX schedule on stepped hulls. There could be rides on this hull design for those who...
What? Apparently you have never ridden in a DDC HULL IN ROUGH SEAS OR A DDC HULL on a cat. Go to IBEX in 2003, stepped hulls and go to Schoell...
;why The reason we do not produce such a system is the cost versus the gain. You get counter rotating via the transmission on dual installation...
Did not understand Did not understand the yes and no. The duo prop is great and is as efficient as a surface drive, just not the shallow draft...
TWO PROPS Yes, I ran across some data on this subject. Schoell Marine produces an efficiency number chart for hulls, drive train, with % added to...
yes you are right. Yes step boats have been seen as far back as 1905. But the handling charatristics were very bad. It took Harry 20 years...
attorney site on step hulls Go to the above site click on Publications and look under advisories and click on It's...
Step hulls Go to this site hit Publications and under Advisories is It's Hard Enough to Make Boats This makes for very interesting reading...