Hello, In the rule 2012, I note that the design area factor (Fd) is not linked with the ratio Ad/Ar, but on the stiffener space for the craft <...
Hello, Do you know why the calculation of Kar is not the same for sailing craft and planing craft ? The Kar of a planing craft vary with the...
Hello, In ABS HSC rule, the Fd (Design area factor) is given by a diagram ; do you know the mathematic formula used for calculating the Fd ?...
Thank you again. If my unterstanding is correct, the "standard" formula of inertia for stiffener concern especially the "low end manufacturing"...
Hello, Thank you for your answers. In fact, I am surprised by the difference of allowable deflection for a stringer (or a transverse frame) : 1...
Thank you very much for your answer.
Hello, I don't understand the formula used by ISO 12215-5 for calculate the minimum moment of inertia for a GRP stiffener. In DIS 2004, the...
Thank you very much BR Jacques
Hello Ignacio, Thank you very much for your answer. In fact, in my question, I had supposed that the crown stiffener is 18 % of the...
Hello, Can I submit you an example of calculation for a transverse frame for a sailboat with ISO 12215-5 ? The boat had a Lwl of 9 m and a...