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Thank you BS... Garvey! Knew it started with a G.... Many thanks!
Having a senior's moment....pretty sure there is a specific term for a squared off bluff bow, like on a Mirror dinghy, and it's not scow...
Cheers, that's great. The tube for the B24 is a bit smaller - 120mm by 2.6mm thickness. Thanks OM, legend as always... :)
Just a quick question of someone with a set of the B24 plans could answer ---- what was the size of the ally tube used for the beams in the B24? I...
I've previously seen on one of the wooden boat threads somewhere that a power boat builder utilised the electric slidign seat mechanism from a...
Someone has already done this. I saw it for sale on Gumtree cuppla years ago, I think in Byron Bay. Can't recall the beam construction but the...
I sent Tom over here from the Crowther Facebook page, precisely because I thought BruceB might be able to assist, or some other of the Buccaneer...
Hey, all! Just been reading a BBC article on electric cars being powered by 'wave action generators' in the Shetlands Shetland electric cars can...
The original Farrier Command 10 might be a useful source of ideas as well. I have a full set of the plans in PDF format on my Mediafire storage,...
Ply will not be as strong as solid timber as per what patz said. Another thing to watch when rebuilding in solid timber is that the grain runs the...
Buccaneer 33 'Wahoo' for sale in Ventura CA, $28K. Seems to be in good condition from pics on craigslist. Crowther Buccanner - boats - by owner -...
BruceB - No photos, didn't happen...!!!! lol