Projects in Progress

Sometimes it's most fun to see a design underway. Looking for some comments or ideas? Please post drawings, sketches, models, and projects in progress here for others to look at and comment on.


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Recent Comments

  1. SailDesign
    @plr - she doesn't really have a name yet. Still a lot to do. :)
  2. plr
    Fair lady. What vessel is this?
  3. plr
    Wow good job on this. Is this one single sldprt? or assembly?
  4. SailDesign
    @hashtag_laeuft - this is Rhino 5 and Flamingo nXt. This flavour of Flamingo will not run in Rhino 7, so I translate back to 5 for rendering. The waves are from an image of a Kelvin wake...
  5. hashtag_laeuft
    This really looks great. Which tools do you use for that and how have you created the wave pattern?
  6. SailDesign
    @Paul Scott - <blush> Thanks!
  7. Paul Scott
    @SailDesign Serenity in perfect light & a crisp morning about to turn warm, only a couple spots of dew still on deck. Your presentations (and designs) remind of the Lyon hyper realist painting...
  8. Tanton Yacht Design.
    The one i like best getting on with my age!
  9. SailDesign
    @BruceS - Many thanks, on both counts! Much appreciated.
  10. BruceS
    I admire all your designs. This is simple and elegant ...

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