Option 1 Concept 2

Portager: Option 1 Concept 2

OK, try this. I changed the bench seat to a booth. I like this better because you don't need a drop leaf table that is always going to be in the way and the passenger can look out the window while underway. The skylight might be tooo big but I'm too tired to change it. Cheers; Mike Schooley http://boatdesign.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=3577#post3577

Posted by: Portager - website: http://www.portager.com

Portager, Jul 18, 2002
    • Rating:
      Looks alot like a C-Dory, similar at least...very nice, I like the center, enclosed steering area. Looks pretty seaworthy.
    • kach22i
      Can you show some section information on one of the concept layouts?

      Pretty cool looking boat, like a trawller/tug/cruiser mix.
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    Option 1 Design Project
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    Jul 18, 2002
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