After painting

socalspearit: After painting

socalspearit, Aug 18, 2023
    • Darkzillicon
      Did you paint that in your living room?
    • socalspearit
      @Darkzillicon Yes. Two part urethane is noxious stuff so during painting full face solvent mask was worn and then I'd open windows and close doors to keep the wife and cat upwind of the boat, and run the attic fan until the paint dried (obviously fast with urethane). Roll and tip method, wet on green that had been lightly wet sanded. Took about six days to lay down 9 coats of Interlux Perfection and 3 coats of Smooth Sailing urethane teflon bottom paint.
    • Darkzillicon
      You are a crazy man! That stuff is safer when you roll it but I’d want a hazmat suit for dealing with 2 part cyanates. Guessing you had nowhere else to paint it?
    • socalspearit
      @Darkzillicon I had no where else to paint it...! Luckily design of house is such that I could close certain doors and run the big attic fan in such a way that we could keep positive pressure (outside air from windows upwind of the living room) in all the parts of the house besides the living room. We're coastal, too, so we get a good onshore breeze for much of the day as even outdoors the paint fumes if they hang in the yard can be strong. When we moved in, my wife actually declared that there was no possible way we could live in a home with cream colored cabinets. These were beautifully factory finished melanine custom cabinets and the only thing that sticks to melanine is two part urethane, so we spent weeks refinishing all the cabinets Interlux Perfection white, turning the kitchen/living room into a paint factory, so we had the system down. Cabinets look great and for indoor use are as you might expect they're virtually indestructable, and I got good at roll and tip. My wife learned too but she drew the line at cabinets and wouldn't paint the boat although being a seamstress she was great when I desperately needed help with fiber layups. Pandemic f*ckarounds.
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